Friends who have never been to Lanzhou may not know that the basket at the railway station should be long on both sides and short in the middle. But the first cross of the railway station is long, and both sides of the bottom are short. A simple word made such a simple mistake. So, why hasn't it changed?
There must be a reason for this. It is said to commemorate the ancient calligraphers in China. So because this blue word was written by this calligrapher, in order to commemorate this calligrapher, the people of Lanzhou don't want to change a word, and they have got rid of the old-fashioned square font and become the characteristics of Lanzhou.
Therefore, the typo of Lanzhou train is not a real typo, because the railway station should be written more strictly. The reason why it has not been changed is mainly because it has not affected the recognition of tourists, and it is useless to bring trouble to tourists. But also meets the requirements of Lanzhou people, so we haven't changed this word.
In fact, this basket is also a calligraphy style and an artistic expression, but it is not a typo. Therefore, even if foreigners see it, they will understand China's culture, and China people will continue to maintain their own cultural characteristics and let China's culture continue to develop.