Wang Xizhi devoted himself to writing when he was a child. Mother had to send him rice, including steamed bread and Wang Xizhi's favorite garlic paste. My mother came to see Xiao Xizhi in the study, and she laughed her head off as soon as she entered the study. It turned out that Wang Xizhi read the copybook while eating, and ate the ink as garlic paste, which made his mouth black.
2, bamboo fan inscription
An old woman was carrying a basket of bamboo fans and peddling them in the bazaar, but she couldn't sell them. Seeing this, Wang Xizhi walked up to her and said, "There are no words on the bamboo fan. Shall I write it for you? " The old woman gave him the bamboo fans to write on, and Wang Xizhi picked up a pen and wrote five words on each fan. Mother-in-law can't read, and thinks his handwriting is scrawled.
Wang Xizhi said, "Tell the fan buyer that this was written by Wang Youjun." The old woman did as he said. Collectors rushed to buy Wang Youjun's calligraphy after seeing it. A basket of bamboo fans soon sold out.
Step 3 be alert
Once the emperor went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices. He asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor was very surprised when he carved. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and brushwork actually penetrated into the wood for more than three points. He praised: "The words of the general of the right army are really incisive!"
Extended data
Wang Xizhi's original works existed before the world, and the fine copy of Tang people has always been regarded as original works. Because of its long history and long-standing reputation, Rainbow Xi's other inks have different inferences about its engraving age.
Some are called Song Copy, some are suspected to be Mi Fei Copy, and more are classified as Tang Copy. It has been recorded a lot and carved into various essays again and again. The public and private collections and circulation after the Yuan Dynasty are vivid and reliable, and their preciousness is self-evident.