The word Yu, Zi, was later renamed Du, Zi, Song Yin, Song Hu, Zi, lay man, Qiantang (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang) and Qianshu. Jiaqing was born as an official, and was a scholar for five years, in charge of state affairs. Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty, Chu Suiliang and Yu Shinan, is delicate and elegant. In addition to flowers and figures, he is also good at painting landscapes and redrawing Zhao Linglong, Zhao Mengfu, Wang Meng and Wen Zhiming. , mainly meticulous and light color. His brushwork is sloppy and meticulous, and the rocks and figures he painted can be combined with simplicity and simplicity, which is quite decorative. He is the author of Song Hu Painting, Song Hu Painting Memories and Song Hu Painting Remains.
The last person "Meng Xiang" should be Gu Chunfu.