Wang Xianzhi is the son of the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi. He has been very clever since he was a child, and he is even more talented and charming when he grows up. He and his father are also called "two kings", which shows that Wang Xianzhi's calligraphy attainments are very high. Wang Xianzhi has a respectable childhood wife named Xi. They grew up together and Wang Xianzhi liked her very much. When she was old enough to get married, she married Xi. After marriage, they lived together happily, playing the piano and painting, but unfortunately the good times did not last long.
At that time, Princess Xin 'an in the palace had just lost her husband. Because her first marriage was a political marriage, the king felt very guilty about her. In order to make up for her, he promised that her husband's candidate would be chosen by Princess Xin 'an. After careful comparison, Princess Xin 'an chose Wang Xianzhi. However, Wang Xianzhi already had a wife, but Princess Xin 'an's coquetry and arrogant king ordered Wang Xianzhi to divorce her. Wang Xianzhi was so miserable that he had to write a divorce certificate and send his wife back to her family.
After his wife left, Wang Xianzhi was very unwilling. He didn't want to marry Princess Xin 'an so humbled, so he broke his leg. Later, I wrote that he was a cripple and not worthy of the princess. But I didn't expect Princess Xin 'an to insist on marrying. After marriage, Wang Xianzhi gave her the cold shoulder. After all, Xi, the former wife, was sanctimonious, gentle and considerate, but now Princess Xin 'an, though beautiful, is unruly and willful. Not only did she disrespect her husband, but she also put on airs at home, which made Wang Xianzhi very tired.