Wei Zhi, a famous minister in the Tang Dynasty, said, "Husband and wife are kind, but if they are not sincere, they will leave. As long as husband and wife, father and son, and brothers are honest and trustworthy, they can live in harmony and achieve the goal of family and prosperity. If the family lacks honesty and mutual distrust, the family will gradually fall apart.
2. the basis of making friends
Only by "making friends widely and keeping promises" can we achieve the goal of "trusting friends" and being honest and selfless. Otherwise, if friends are full of hypocrisy and deception, there will never be real friends. Friends are based on honesty.
3. The soul of business
In modern society, when signing a contract, businessmen expect the other party to abide by it. Honesty is the best competitive means of various commercial activities, the soul of market economy and the real "golden business card" of entrepreneurs.
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A story about honesty
1, Liu married a blind girl.
Liu Yuan, the son of a farmer, had an engagement with his neighbor. After several years of separation, Liu entered imperial academy and was admitted to Jinshi. When Liu returns to his hometown, he intends to marry his neighbor. Only then did I know that my neighbor was dead, my daughter was blind and my family was ruined.
However, Liu did not violate the engagement, and also chose a date to get married. My neighbor is going to divorce. She said, "I'm blind now, like a basket case. How can I marry you? " Liu replied, "Since I have made an appointment with my neighbor, how can I break it because Weng died of illness?" As a result, they finally got married, had a harmonious family and had several children.
2. Song is sincere and touching.
Song is the county magistrate at the junction of Liang and Chu, and melons are planted around Liang Chuting. Because Liang Ting is hardworking, melons grow well. Chuting is lazy, and melons don't grow well.
As a result, ChuTing was jealous and angry, and trampled and broke the vines of Liang Ting in the middle of the night. After Liang Ting knew it, he went to the county magistrate Song Jiu for instructions, thinking that he would retaliate for trampling on Chuting Guateng.
Song immediately shook his head and said, "How could you? Making enemies with others is a way of asking for trouble. People are not good to us, and we are not good to others. How narrow it is! If you listen to me, you must be sincere and touching. Send someone to secretly water Gua Tian for Chuting every night, and don't let them know. "
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