One day, Zhang said that he wanted to hold a banquet for his entourage. The emperor allowed it and said, "A banquet should be held for your lieutenant."
Zhang said thank you for your kindness. Invite guests after retirement. All the guests came that day, except Chen Liangyou, assistant minister of the Ministry of War. Zhang said that he was particularly unhappy.
After a while, Ambassador China came with precious dishes given by the emperor. Zhang said that he was grateful, and then he said, "I dare not treat you without instructions. Only Chen Liangyou didn't come, which violated the emperor's wishes. " After the play, the emperor suddenly asked the eunuch, "Is Zhang's banquet over?" The eunuch replied: "Since I received the order to treat guests, it must be late at night." So he ordered a reward.
Zhang said he was very happy. He called again and said, "I invited Liang You many times, but I still refused to come." The night is about to pass (I'm not sure), and news comes that Chen Liangyou has been appointed as a remonstrance doctor.
All the guests here were very happy just now. I was surprised to hear that.
2. I'm getting married. Who will help me write an invitation in classical Chinese?
1. When printing or writing the word "invitation" on the cover of a double invitation card, it is generally necessary to do some artistic treatment, that is, use famous calligraphy, text bronzing or pattern decoration. In some single invitations, the word "invitation" is written on the top first line, and the font is slightly larger than the body.
2, regardless of single post, double post, in the post writing is roughly the same. Write the name of the inviter or the name of the inviting unit in the top box of the first line of the post. Some invitations put the name of the invitee or the name of the company in the last line and also write it in the top box.
3. Explain the activities that the invitee will participate in, such as attending symposiums, parties, banquets, etc., and explain the specific time and place. If you have other activities, such as watching film and television performances, you should indicate or attach an admission ticket in the invitation letter.
4. Write "Please come" and "salute" at the end, which was called "gift" in ancient times.
Ahem, I'm incompetent ...
invitation card
I will hold a wedding with MM in XX Hotel at noon on X, X, and look forward to your visit. There is water and wine, please reward me with my meager sensibilities.
3. I want the most detailed information of Bai Juyi and the translation of Pipa Star. Pipaxing translated Xian Zongyuan and ten years later, I was demoted to Sima of Jiujiang County.
In the autumn of the following year, see the guests off to Songpukou. At night, I heard someone playing the pipa on the boat, listening to the sonorous and crisp strings, which had the charm of Chang 'an Capital.
I asked the pipa player, who turned out to be a singer in Chang 'an, who had studied under Mu and Cao, two pipa teachers. Now that I am old and my appearance is aging, I have to entrust a businessman to be my wife for life.
So I had a banquet set up and asked her to play a few songs to her heart's content. After the bullet was finished, she told the happy past when she was young with a sad look.
Now he is wandering and degenerate, gaunt and wandering around. It has been two years since I was transferred from Beijing to other places, and I have been living very comfortably. After being moved by the singer's words, I feel sorry for being demoted tonight. So I made this seven-character song for her.
* * * 6 16, named Pipa. At night, seeing guests off at the head of Xunyang River, the autumn wind rustling maple leaves. I dismounted and boarded with the guests. When we say goodbye, we want to drink with our glasses raised, but there is no music to entertain us. We are going to part, and we are very sad. Even if we are drunk, we can't enjoy ourselves. When we are going to take part in this trip, we only see a bright moon on the vast river.
At this time, I suddenly heard the pipa on the water, which made me forget to say goodbye and the guests didn't want to leave. Follow the voice and ask who the pipa player is. The pipa stopped, and the pipa player seemed to want to answer, but hesitated again.
Let's bring the boat closer and invite her to meet us. We added more wine, rekindled the lights and held the party again. After repeated urging, she came out, still holding the pipa in her hand, half covering her face.
She turned the string shaft to pluck the string, adjusted the volume and plucked the string three or two times. Although she hasn't played the music yet, she has shown her feelings. A string is hidden and restrained, and the timbre is not smooth, showing her bitterness and laziness. Her voice is full of infinite sadness, as if telling her dissatisfaction with life. With a low brow, she continued to play casually, telling her infinite worries.
Tap the strings with the fingers of your left hand, rub them slowly, and pluck them with your right hand, or pull them back with your backhand. Colorful feathers first, then green waist.
The sound made by thick strings is heavy, like a shower, and the sound made by thin strings is soft and slow, like a whisper: heavy bass and thin treble are mixed, like a big bead falling on a jade plate. Sometimes, like the melodious song of oriole, it glides gently through the flowers, and sometimes the string sound is low and weak, like spring water sobbing under the ice.
Then the music stopped, like a spring freeze, and slowly stopped. At this time, people feel that there is another deep sadness and regret; Silence at this time is better than sound.
Before long, the string suddenly popped up, just like a silver bottle suddenly burst, and water slurry splashed everywhere. It's like a fighter plane suddenly coming, and there's the sound of knives and guns.
Finally, when the tune ended and the plucked piece stopped playing, I strode hard in the middle of the pipa, and the four strings of the pipa made a clear sound at the same time, like tearing silk. At this time, the ships around were silent, and there was an autumn moon reflected in the middle of the river.
She silently inserted the plectrum between the strings; Then I adjusted my clothes and stood up respectfully and seriously. I said to myself, "I am a woman from Chang 'an, and I live in Ling Ran, where famous prostitutes and wine abound.
At the age of thirteen, I learned to play the pipa, and my name was arranged in the first part of the teaching workshop. Once after playing a tune, the pipa master was amazed. After dressing up, he was often envied by famous geisha. Rich children near the capital competed to present headdress colors to please them. Whenever they sing a song, they don't know how many colored silks they get. Moire combs inlaid with golden flowers are often broken when used to beat time, and bright red Luo skirts are often knocked over and stained by wine glasses.
Laughter year after year, its good times, and its youth all passed inadvertently. My brother retired and my aunt passed away. As time goes by, my appearance becomes old.
Visitors in front of the door are also deserted, and there are few cars and horses. When you are old, you can only marry a businessman's wife! The businessman only cares about money and never takes parting seriously. Last month, he went to Fuliang to buy tea. Let me come to Jiangkou alone to guard this empty ship. There is only one bright moon beside the boat, reflecting a cold river.
I suddenly dreamed of happy things as a child in the middle of the night, and I couldn't help crying when I woke up. Tears and rouge interweave on my face. Listening to her play the pipa is enough to make me sad and sigh. Now after listening to these words, I sigh again and again: I feel that we are both wandering around the world. Although we met for the first time, why did we get to know each other? He left Beijing last year and was demoted to Xunyang City. I am often ill in bed.
Xunyang is located in a remote place, there is no music, and there is no orchestral performance all year round. Moreover, the residence is close to the Ganjiang River, and the terrain is low and humid. There are many reeds and bitter bamboos in the house. In this environment, what can you hear sooner or later? Only the cuckoo's cry and the ape's cry can be heard.
Whenever the spring river blooms and the autumn moon is on that night, I often drink wine by myself. Not even a folk village flute? It's just that the voice is messy and harsh, and it's hard to hear clearly.
Listening to the melody of your pipa tonight is like listening to Yue Xian, which makes my ears clear for a while. Please don't refuse, sit down and play another song, and I'll give you another explanation according to the old score.
Moved by my words, she stood for a long time, then retreated to her original position and sat down, tightening the string, and the string sound became urgent; Very sad, very sad, unlike the music played before. All the guests in the room hid their faces and wept when they smelled and played again. Who shed the most tears in the seat? If it was my Jiangchuan Sima's, the blue official uniform I was wearing was all wet. Expand.