In Xin Maonian, Shen Yaodao and I returned to the south from the north and lived in Hangzhou and Yuezhou respectively. After a year, Yao Dao came to see me, comforted my loneliness, entertained for a few days with a smile, and left again. I specially made this word and gave it to Zhao. I recall that in the north, we traveled through the snow together. The cold weather in the north made mink fur brittle, and we leaned against the old dry forest road and drank horses to the Changhan River. This scene made me think a lot. When I woke up, I was still stranded in Jiangdong, and my tears were shed in Hangzhou, the former capital. Full of bitterness, nowhere to write, even the dead leaves are full of sorrow. You came in a hurry and left with white clouds. Who left Yu Pei for me? Why did you stay in another country? Fold a reed flower and give it to an old friend far away. The scattered reed flowers reveal a cold autumn. Going to normal wild bridges and flowing water is no longer the familiar Sha Ou. My heart is full of feelings. I want to be fired but I dare not climb tall buildings. Because the afterglow of the sunset is dim, the mountains and rivers of the old country have changed hands long ago, although they remain the same. How can you not be sad?