My parents heard about the woman and went out to help Guo; As soon as Sister A heard that Sister Mei was coming, she had to cut her red makeup. When I heard my sister coming, I sharpened my knife at pigs and sheep. Open my East Pavilion door and sit on my West Pavilion bed. Take off my wartime robe and put on my old clothes. When the window is decorated with clouds and temples, the mirror is painted yellow. When you go out to see a fire companion, the fire companion is dismayed. After traveling together for twelve years, I didn't know Mulan was a girl.
The male rabbit's feet are messy and the female rabbit's eyes are blurred. When two rabbits walk side by side, can I tell if I am a male or a female?
Summarize into one or two sentences:
Back home, he was wearing a red dress, Yan Huang, a flower covered with clouds, which surprised his comrades.
Male rabbits are good at jumping and pleasing the eyes of female rabbits. If you walk side by side, you can't tell a male from a female.