Poetry describing the Silk Road

It winds across the plains, to the south is Cangwu and rises to the sea, and to the north is Zisai Yanmen. The canal is used as the gate, and the Kungang is used as the axis. Zhongguan Fujiang Zhizhi, the four meeting and five reaching village. When it was in its heyday, cars were hung with veneers and people were riding on their shoulders. The ripples of feathers are fluttering on the ground, and the songs are blowing to make the sky boil. The salt fields are used to breed goods, the copper mountains are shoveled and sharpened, and the talents are abundant and the horses are beautiful. Therefore, he was able to waste Qin's laws, lose Zhou's orders, set out to worship Yong, and cut off the dredging, in order to cultivate the world and end his life.

This is why the battlements are built with planks, the wells are dry, and the beacons and oars are diligently constructed. ▼