Background: In the third year of Tang Tianbao, He was sent back to his hometown by imperial edict, and officials saw him off. Take a boat through Nanjing and Hangzhou, and arrive at Xiaoshan County along Xiaoshaoguan River, where officials from Yuezhou greeted them at the post office. Then we took a boat to the old house by the river outside the south gate. It was the early spring of February, when willow buds sprouted, spring was full and the breeze was blowing gently. He is like a bird out of the cage, and he is naturally very happy when he returns to his hometown. Suddenly, he saw a tall willow tree, which stood out from the crowd on the bank of the river and was full of heroism. At this time, he began to write a poem "Yong Liu", which became a swan song for generations. According to famous critics, He's "Singing Willow" is the best poem for thousands of years. (Source: Internet)