The Book of Songs. Wei Feng. The Chi Chi of the hooligans holds cloth and silk. Bandits come to trade silk, and when they come, they come to plot against me. Send the son to Sheqi, and go to Dunqiu. The bandit is my fault, and I am an unscrupulous matchmaker. The general will not be angry, and autumn will come.
Ride on that wall to hope that the pass will be restored. I don't see the return pass, and I burst into tears. Seeing the return pass, I laughed and talked. Erbu Erzhen, the body has no blame words. Come with your car and move with my bribe.
The mulberry leaves have not yet fallen, and their leaves are like silk. The doves are crying, and there are no mulberries to eat! As a lamenting girl, I have no time to spend time with scholars! It can still be said that scholars are delayed. A woman's procrastination cannot be explained.
The mulberry trees have fallen, and they have turned yellow and fallen. Self-imposed, poor at the age of three. The water in Qishui is flowing, and the curtains and clothes are gradually falling. Women are also unhappy, and scholars behave differently. Scholars are also extremely ignorant, but only have two or three virtues.
Being a wife at the age of three, she has to work hard at home; Once the words are fulfilled, they become violent. My brother didn't know, so he laughed. Think about it quietly and bow to yourself in mourning.
As we grow old together, old age makes me resentful. Qi has a bank, Xi has a bank. At the general banquet, Yan Yan talked and laughed. Be true to your word and never think about the opposite. On the contrary, if you don’t think about it, that’s enough!
Sleepwalking Tianmu chants farewell to Li Bai
Haike talks about Yingzhou, the smoke and waves are dim and it is hard to find a letter.
The Yue people are talking about Tianmu, and the clouds are bright and extinguished or can be seen.
Tianmu stretches the sky towards the sky, pulling out the five mountains to cover Chicheng.
The rooftop is 48,000 feet tall, so it tilts southeast.
I want to dream of Wu Yue, and fly across the Jinghu Lake in the moonlight overnight.
The moonlight on the lake shines on my shadow and sends me to Yanxi River.
The place where Xie Gong stayed is still there today. The green water is rippling and the apes are crying. Wearing Xie Gong's clogs, we are climbing the Qingyun Ladder.
The sun can be seen from half of the wall, and the sky chickens can be heard in the air.
Thousands of rocks have endless twists and turns, and the path is uncertain, and the lost flowers leaning against the rocks are suddenly dim.
The roaring bears and dragons chanting in Yinyan Spring are astounding in the deep forest.
The clouds are green as if it is raining, and the water is watery and smokey.
Thunderbolts struck, and hills collapsed.
The cave sky stone fan opens in the center.
The vast blue sky has no bottom, and the sun and moon shine on the gold and silver platform.
Ni is the clothes, the wind is the horse, and the kings of clouds come and go one after another.
The tiger, the drum, the harp, the luan, come back to the car, and the immortals are lined up like hemp.
Suddenly, my soul palpitates and my soul moves, I suddenly start and sigh.
Only when I sleep on my pillow, I lose the ever-present haze.
The same is true for pleasure in the world. Since ancient times, everything has flowed eastwards.
When will you return after leaving? Let's put the white deer among the green cliffs and ride to visit famous mountains as soon as possible.
An Neng's ability to bend his eyebrows and bend his waist to serve the powerful makes me unhappy! The Difficult Road to Shu Author: (Tang Dynasty) Li Bai
Hey! How dangerous it is! The road to Shu is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Silkworms and yufu, how confused the founding of the country is! You are forty-eight thousand years old, and you are not in the vicinity of Qin Sai. There is a bird path in Taibai, Xidang, which can cross the top of Emei. The earth collapses and the mountains destroy the strong men to death, and then the stone stacks of the ladder to heaven are connected to each other. There is a high mark of six dragons returning to the sun on the top, and a rushing wave and turning back to Sichuan below. The yellow crane cannot fly past, and the ape clings to it to overcome its sorrow. Why is there so much green mud? A hundred steps lead to nine twists and turns in the rocky mountains. Mon went to the Lijing Well and raised his head and sighed, resting his head on his head with his hands, he sat down and sighed.
I asked you when you will return from your journey to the west. I am afraid that the journey will be steep and the rocks will be inaccessible. But I saw mourning birds calling old trees, and male and female flying around the forest. I also heard Zigui crying about the moon at night and worrying about the empty mountains. The road to Shu is as difficult as climbing to the sky! Make people listen to this withering beauty. Even if the peaks are gone, the sky is not full, and withered pines hang upside down against the cliffs. The turbulent waterfalls are noisy, and the cliffs turn into rocks and thousands of valleys are thundered. The danger is also like this. Why do people who have traveled far away come here?
The sword pavilion is majestic and Cui Wei. One man can guard the gate, but ten thousand men cannot open it. Those who were guarding or robbing relatives turned into wolves and jackals. Avoid tigers in the morning and snakes at night. Grinding teeth and sucking blood, killing people like numbness. Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return home early. The road to Shu is as difficult as climbing to the blue sky. I turned to the west and looked to the west, sighing.
Will (qiāng) enter the wine (Li Bai)〖Tang〗{Yuefu Poems}
If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River will come up from the sky, and it will never return to the sea.
Don’t you see, the bright mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, and it looks like blue silk in the morning and turns to snow in the evening.
If you are proud of life, you must have all the fun, and don’t let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon.
I am born with talents that will be useful, and I will come back after all my money has been spent.
It is fun to cook sheep and slaughter cattle, and you will have to drink three hundred cups at a time.
Master Cen (cén), born in Danqiu, is about to drink wine, but don’t stop drinking.
A song with you, please listen to me.
Zhuàn, bells, drums, food (zhuàn) and jade are not expensive enough. ").
In ancient times, all the sages were lonely, only the drinkers left their names.
In the old days, King Chen used to have banquets (lè) and fights of wine for thousands of years (zì) and banter (xuè).
What does the master mean by saying that there is less money? It is at your discretion (jìng) to buy it (gū). (Jingxu: straightforward.)
The five-flowered horse, the golden fur, the caller will exchange it for the fine wine, and sell the eternal sorrow with you.