What is the longest poem written by Wang Wei?

When he was a young man of fifteen or twenty, he chased a wild horse, and he caught him and rode him. He beat the Meishan tiger, and he excited the yellow mane horse. He has fought many battles and fought for three thousand miles. He once fought a million lions with one sword. The Han army is as sharp as thunder, and the Lu country that tramples on each other is afraid of thistles. Wei Qing's failure was due to the help of the gods, but Li Guang's failure was due to his fate. Being abandoned doesn't have to be old, and the world has become the first in the past. In those days, he was like an arrow shot at a lark by Hou Yi. Now he was born on his left elbow. As a result, he was demoted to the roadside to sell melons and learned to make pottery to make the door green. Ancient trees extend all the way to narrow lanes, and isolated mountains extend to cold windows. Swear in Kashgar, pray for wells in Kashgar, and don't complain about alcohol. Soldiers lined up like clouds on Helan Mountain, and books in the army were rumors day and night. The special envoy of Red Festival went to Sanhe for conscription, and the commander-in-chief sent troops to General Five. The veteran wiped out the armor of steel armor and used a sword with a flashing seven-star pattern. He is ready to use his powerful northern bow to attack the Tatar chieftain, so that foreign uniforms will not offend the emperor. Don't be afraid of color, think that the restoration of the governor Yun Guan was worth fighting for.