There is a saying in The Book of Songs "Leaving He Kun", which shows that it has been used for a long time. There is a word "hairpin" in Shuowen, which means sunshade and rainproof device with handle, and the handle is called Dai Li, also called Dai Li hat. As the saying goes, it is called a hat, because its plane is as big as a bucket.
Cloak is a cover to wear, tent is a cover to hold up, not limited to bamboo and grass materials, but also cloth. Hats and so-called hat umbrellas are cloaks. In the southern folk, the word hat is rarely said. The common people say that cloaks and hats are only written when literati write.
Adjective of hat:
Lovely hat, beautiful hat, golden hat, clean hat, black hat.
1. She wore a black hat on her head, and the black veil hung down covered her face.
2. A low wall made of gray bricks, towel gourd seedlings crawling on the ridge of the wall, yellow flowers blooming on the towel gourd seedlings, bees lingering in the stamens, hats with yellow corn and red peppers hanging on the wall, and round-backed chairs sitting in this background.
3. Yuchu wore a hat that he cheated from nowhere and covered his face. Wanli began to walk alone at his feet and started to running all the way.
The man came out of the dust with a dusty face. He is wearing a dark black coat and a golden hat. A circle of black gauze hanging on the outer edge of the hat completely covered his face.
At this moment, a gust of wind blew in the field, which messed up our skirts and took away our beautiful hats.