In a private visit incognito, he, he and he were visiting the mountains and rivers. Ji Xiaolan said that there is a mountain not far from the county seat, a ruined temple on the mountain, and a pair of incomplete couplets in front of the temple. No one can answer for many years, so he wants to go and see it together. Gan Long was very interested after hearing this, and it wasn't long before the three of them came to the temple. I saw that the couplet said: every inch of land becomes a temple, and there are monks in the temple. The monk cried and asked the teacher with firewood on his back. The teacher said, firewood is heavy!
After seeing it, Qianlong frowned. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out how to get to the bottom line. He said to Ji Xiaolan, this bottom allied will be given to him. After all, he is a generation of literati. This thing should be very simple for him. Ji Xiaolan is also in distress situation. He thought for a long time and didn't know how to get it right. Just then, a beggar in rags saw their sad expressions and said with a smile, shall I check? I only heard him say: Shuang Mu is a forest, and the forest is an official. The official smiled at the mirror and said ghosts, and the ghosts said that cigarettes were black! ?
After listening to this, the three people in Ganlong were all surprised and thought that what they said was very clever. In fact, this sentence comes from a book written by Ji Xiaolan. Qianlong understood that this was Ji Xiaolan's plan. It turned out that the officials on duty in the county town embezzled money and the people were penniless. Even the monks in the temple ran away, and the beggar was the abbot of the temple. He acted in the play with Ji Xiaolan. Ganlong was furious when he learned of the incident and immediately punished the local officials. In this way, because a couplet did a good thing, the people lived a happy life from now on.