Gave birth to a son named Chi. Later, when he grew up, he asked his mother, "Where is my father?" Mother said, "It took your father three years to build a sword for the king of Chu. The king of Chu was furious and killed him. Let me tell you before I leave: when I go out to see Nanshan, pine trees grow on stones and swords are on my back. " So the son went out of the house and looked south. He saw a grindstone under the pine pillar in front of the hall, so he chopped off its back with an axe and got the male sword. Sooner or later, he will stab the king of Chu.
The king of Chu dreamed of a child with a broad eyebrow, about a foot wide, and said that he would take revenge. The king of Chu hangs his daughter and rewards her. Hearing this, Chi started to run and ran into the deep mountains, sighing. I met a guest and said, "You are still young, why are you crying so sad?" Chi said, "I am the son. King Chu killed my father, and I want revenge! " The guest said, "I heard that the king of Chu bought your head for 1000 yuan." Please give me your head and sword, and I will avenge you. " Chi said, "Great!" So he committed suicide, holding his head and sword in both hands and presenting them together. The body is frozen. The guest said, "I will never fail you!" " "In this way, the body collapsed.
The guest went to see the king of Chu with his head bare. The king of Chu was overjoyed. The guest said, "This is the head of a samurai, and it should be cooked in a soup pot." The king of Chu followed suit and cooked it. I can't cook it for three days and nights. My head jumped high, I opened my eyes and became angry. The guest said, "A dizzy child's head won't be boiled. Please go to the pot and see for yourself, it will rot. " The king of Chu immediately approached, and the guest cut the king with a sword, and the king's head fell into the soup; The guest also beheaded and fell into the soup. All three heads are cooked and can't be distinguished. So the soup was poured out and buried with the cooked meat, commonly known as the "Three Kings Tomb".
2. The meaning of this ancient prose by General Mo Xie is for your reference. I can't say it again. Two senior generals, Mo Xie and his wife, made swords for the King of Chu, and it took three years to succeed. The king of Chu was angry and wanted to kill him. This sword has two handles. His wife is pregnant and is about to give birth. Her husband said to her, "It took me three years to make a sword for the king of Chu. If the king is angry, I will be killed. If you give birth to a child. " The sword is on its back. So he took the female sword to see the king of Chu. Wang was furious and told him to close the collection. There were two swords, a man and a woman. The female sword came, but the male sword didn't. Wang was furious and killed the lieutenant. Gave birth to a son named Chi. Later, when he grew up, he asked his mother, "Where is my father?" Mother said, "Your father made a sword for the king of Chu, and it took three years to succeed. The king of Chu was furious and killed him. When I leave, let me tell you that you can see Nanshan when you leave the room. Pine trees grow on stones and swords are on your back. " So the son left the room and looked south. He saw a grindstone under the pine pillar in front of the hall, so he chopped off its back with an axe and got a public sword, which would stab the king of Chu sooner or later. Chi said, "I am the son of the lieutenant. King Chu killed my father, and I want revenge! " The guest said, "I heard that the king of Chu bought your head for 1000 yuan." Please give me your head and sword, and I will avenge you. " Chi said, "Great!" So he committed suicide, holding his head and sword in both hands and presenting them together. The body is frozen. The guest said, "I will never fail you!" " "In this way, the body fell. The guest took the red head to see the king of Chu. The king of Chu was overjoyed. The guest said, "This is the head of a samurai, and it needs to be cooked in a soup pot. "The king of Chu followed suit and cooked for three days and three nights. His head jumped high, opened his eyes and went on the rampage. The guest said, "A dizzy child's head is not rotten. Please come to the pot and see for yourself, it will rot. " The king of Chu immediately approached. The guest also cut off his head and fell into the soup. All three heads are cooked and can't be distinguished. So I poured out the soup and buried the cooked meat together, commonly known as the "Three Kings Tomb".
3. It took Chu Ganjiang and two people three years to translate the classical Chinese version of Ganjiang, and gave it to Chu 62616964757a68696416fe58685e5aeb9313332616337 Wang. The king of Chu was angry and wanted to kill him. A sword has two handles: a male handle and a female handle. When his wife was about to give birth, her husband said to her, "It took me three years to make a sword for the king of Chu." The king is angry, and I will die if I go. If your child is a man, when he grows up, tell him,' Go out and see Nanshan, where pine trees grow on stones and swords are on his back.' So he took the female sword to see the king of Chu. Wang was furious and told him to fit in. The sword has two handles, one male and one female, and the female sword can't come. The king was angry and killed the lieutenant.
Gave birth to a son named Chi. Later, when he grew up, he asked his mother, "Where is my father?" Mother said, "It took your father three years to build a sword for the king of Chu. The king of Chu was furious and killed him. Let me tell you before I leave: when I go out to see Nanshan, pine trees grow on stones and swords are on my back. " So the son went out of the house and looked south. He saw a grindstone under the pine pillar in front of the hall, so he chopped off its back with an axe and got the male sword. Sooner or later, he will stab the king of Chu.
The king of Chu dreamed of a child with a broad eyebrow, about a foot wide, and said that he would take revenge. The king of Chu hangs his daughter and rewards her. Hearing this, Chi started to run and ran into the deep mountains, sighing. I met a guest and said, "You are still young, why are you crying so sad?" Chi said, "I am the son. King Chu killed my father, and I want revenge! " The guest said, "I heard that the king of Chu bought your head for 1000 yuan." Please give me your head and sword, and I will avenge you. " Chi said, "Great!" So he committed suicide, holding his head and sword in both hands and presenting them together. The body is frozen. The guest said, "I will never fail you!" " "In this way, the body collapsed.
The guest went to see the king of Chu with his head bare. The king of Chu was overjoyed. The guest said, "This is the head of a samurai, and it should be cooked in a soup pot." The king of Chu followed suit and cooked it. I can't cook it for three days and nights. My head jumped high, I opened my eyes and became angry. The guest said, "A dizzy child's head won't be boiled. Please go to the pot and see for yourself, it will rot. " The king of Chu immediately approached, and the guest cut the king with a sword, and the king's head fell into the soup; The guest also beheaded and fell into the soup. All three heads are cooked and can't be distinguished. So the soup was poured out and buried with the cooked meat, commonly known as the "Three Kings Tomb".
4. Mo Xie, a senior general, translated "Chu Ganjiang" and "Mo Xie" to cast swords for the king of Chu, which took three years. The king was angry and wanted to kill them. There are male and female swords. His wife said, "I made a sword for the king. It took three years to make it. If the king is angry, he will kill me. If your son is a big boy, you tell him,' Look out of the house in Nanshan, loose it on a stone and make a sword. Mother said, "It took your father three years to make a sword for the king of Chu. The king killed him angrily. When he went, he said to me,' Tell your son that when you leave home, look at Nanshan, where pine trees grow on stones and swords are on your back.' "So when you are away from home, you can't see the mountain, but when you see the pine column in front of the hall, you can chop off his back with an axe and get a sword. You want to report to the king of Chu day and night. The king dreamed of a son. He said: "My lieutenant, Mo Xie Zi Ye, the king of Chu killed my father, and I want to repay him!" The guest said, "I heard that the king bought a daughter of his son's head and brought his son's head and sword to repay him." The son said, "What a blessing!" In other words, he hanged himself and stood stiffly with his head and sword in his hands. The guest said, "Not bad." So the body was a servant. The guest held his head and went to see Wang Daxi, the king of Chu. The guest said, "This is the head of a warrior. It needs to be cooked in a soup pot." As Wang said, the first three days and nights of cooking didn't rot, and my head came out. It's illegible. Buried in soup and meat, it is commonly known as the "Three Kings Tomb". Now in Yichun county, your north and south. Two generals, Mo Xie and his wife, cast swords for the king of Chu. The king of Chu was angry and wanted to kill him. This sword has two handles. At that time, his wife was pregnant and was about to give birth. Her husband said to her, "It took me three years to make a sword for the king of Chu. The king was angry. The sword is on its back. So he took the female sword to see the king of Chu. The king of Chu was very angry and asked people to look carefully. There were two swords, a man and a woman. The female sword came, but the male sword didn't. The king of Chu was furious and killed the lieutenant. Mo Xie gave birth to a son named Chi. Later, when he grew up, he asked his mother, "Where is my father?" Mother said, "It took your father three years to make a sword for the king of Chu. The king of Chu was furious and killed him. Before he left, he asked me to tell you: "Go out and see Nanshan, where pine trees grow on stones and swords are on its back. "So my son went out to look south and saw a grindstone under the pine column in front of the hall, so he broke its back with an axe and got the sword. Sooner or later, he will take revenge on the king of Chu. Chi said, "I am the son of the lieutenant. King Chu killed my father, and I want revenge! The stranger said, "I heard that the king of Chu bought your head for 1000 dollars." Please give me your head and sword, and I will avenge you. " Tao Chi said, "Great!" So he committed suicide, holding his head and sword in both hands and presenting them together. The body is frozen. The stranger said, "I will never let you down!" " "In this way, the body fell down. The stranger went to see the king of Chu with his head bare. The king of Chu was very happy. The stranger said, "This is the head of a warrior and should be cooked in a soup pot." The king of Chu did the same. I can't do it for three days and three nights. His head jumped out of the soup pot and his eyes were open. The stranger said, "The child's head is not ripe. Please come to the pot and see for yourself, it will rot. " The stranger also cut off his head and fell into the soup. All three heads are cooked, so you can't tell them apart. So they divided the soup into three parts and buried it, which is generally called the "Three Kings Tomb". Today, the tomb is located in the north of Yichun County, runan county.
5. May I ask the original text and explanation of General Mo Xie: General Mo Xie? Pronunciation: gān jiāng mò yé Interpretation: General, Mo Xie: the name of Gu Jian. Source: Qi's "Warring States Policy": "(Su Qin said that Wang said) Although he is a general today, he must have manpower and cannot be cut." The sword refers to the general of Chu and the sword used by Mo Xie for the king of Chu, which took three years to realize. When the king gets angry, he wants to kill it. There are male and female swords. His wife is concerned about childbirth. Her husband said, "I built this sword for the king, and it took three years to realize it." When the king is angry, he will kill me. If your son is a big boy, tell him:' Go out and see Nanshan, pine trees grow on stones and swords are on his back.' Mother said, "It took your father three years to make a sword for the king of Chu. The king killed him angrily. When he went, he said to me,' Tell your son that when you leave home, look at Nanshan, where pine trees grow on stones and swords are on your back.' "So when you are away from home, you can't see the mountain, but when you see the pine column in front of the hall, you can chop off his back with an axe and get a sword. You want to report to the king of Chu day and night. The king dreamed of a son. He said: "My lieutenant, Mo Xie Zi Ye, the king of Chu killed my father, and I want to repay him!" The guest said, "I heard that the king bought a daughter of his son's head and brought his son's head and sword to repay him." The son said, "What a blessing! "That is to say, he hanged himself and stood stiffly with his head and sword in his hands. The guest said, "Not bad. "So the body is a servant. The guest held his head and went to see Wang Daxi, the king of Chu. The guest said, "This is the head of a warrior. It should be cooked in a soup pot. "As Wang said, the first three days and three nights were not rotten, and the head came out. It's hard to say. Buried in soup and meat, it is called "Three Kings Tomb". Now in Yichun county, your north and south. It took the king of Chu three years to build a sword. The king of Chu was angry and wanted to kill him. This sword has two handles. His wife is pregnant and is about to give birth. Her husband said to her, "I made a sword for the king of Chu, and it took three years to finish it." The king was angry. "The sword is on the back of it. So he took the female sword to see the king of Chu. Wang was furious and told him to close the collection. The sword has two handles, a male and a female. The female sword came but the male sword didn't. The king of Chu was furious and killed the lieutenant. Gave birth to a son named Chi. Later, when he grew up, he asked his mother, "Where is my father?" Mother said, "It took your father three years to make a sword for the king of Chu. The king of Chu was furious and killed him. Before he left, he asked me to tell you: "Go out and see Nanshan, where pine trees grow on stones and swords are on its back. "So my son went out to look south and saw a grindstone under the pine column in front of the hall, so he broke its back with an axe and got the sword. Sooner or later, he will take revenge on the king of Chu. Chi said, "I am the son of the lieutenant. King Chu killed my father, and I want revenge! "The chivalrous man said," I heard that the King of Chu bought your head for 1000 yuan. Please give me your head and sword, and I will avenge you. " Tao Chi said, "Great!" So he committed suicide, holding his head and sword in both hands and presenting them together. The body is frozen. The knight said, "I will never let you down!" " "In this way, the body fell down. The stranger went to see the king of Chu with his head bare. The king of Chu was very happy. The stranger said, "This is the head of a warrior and should be cooked in a soup pot." The king of Chu did the same. I can't do it for three days and three nights. His head jumped out of the soup pot and his eyes were open. The stranger said, "The child's head is not ripe. Please come to the pot and see for yourself, it will rot. " The stranger also cut off his head and fell into the soup. All three heads are cooked, so you can't tell them apart. So they divided the soup into three parts and buried it, which is generally called the "Three Kings Tomb". Today, the tomb is located in the north of Yichun County, runan county.