Fang Qiao, whose name is Ling Xuan, is from Linzi, Jizhou. When I was a child, I was smart and read classics and history books extensively. He is good at cursive script and official script and is good at writing articles. At the age of eighteen, he was elected as a scholar by the state, and Yu Qiwei was awarded an official position by the court. Father's illness lasted for ten months. Ling Xuan's mind was focused on his father's medication and diet. He never took off his clothes and could not sleep well. Emperor Taizong seized the land north of Weihe River, and Ling Xuan rode to the military gate to inquire. As soon as Emperor Taizong saw him, like an old friend, he asked him to join the army as an agent in the marching room of Weibei Road. Ling Xuan met her bosom friend and exhausted all her efforts. There is nothing he knows that he doesn't do at once. Every time the bandits are put down, everyone rushes to find treasures and antiques. Only Ling Xuan first accepted outstanding figures and placed them in the shogunate. When there are counselors, they all secretly agree and express their willingness to do their best for Taizong. Ling Xuan spent more than ten years in the Qin Palace in Li Shimin, and was often responsible for managing official documents. Whenever he writes a military book and plays the throne, he can dismount at once. The words are concise and rich in meaning. First of all, there is no draft. Gaozu once said to his courtiers, "This man knows the opportunity deeply and can be entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Whenever I speak for my son, I will certainly understand people's psychology. Just like talking to each other thousands of miles away. " Li is a hidden prince. He hates being close to Ruhui and Taizong and speaking ill of them in front of Gaozu, so he was expelled with Ruhui. When Prince Yin (posthumous title of Prince Li) was about to launch a mutiny, Emperor Taizong ordered Wuji to call He Ruhui, told them to put on their robes and secretly brought them into the cabinet to discuss important matters. Taizong was made a prince, Ling Xuan was promoted to the right bastard of the prince, and five thousand silks were given. In the first year of Zhenguan, Ling Xuan took Xiao Yu as the secretariat. Emperor Taizong rewarded the hero with Ling Xuan, Sun Chang Wuji, Du Ruhui, Wei Chijingde and Hou, who were promoted to the Duke of Xingguo and sealed 1,300 households. In the third year of Zhenguan, he was appointed as Prince Shao Shi. He resolutely refused to accept it, acting as the agent of Prince Zhan and concurrently serving as the minister of rites. In the second year, Zuo Bu represented Sun Chang Wuji, made a move for Shangshu, changed the title of Wei Guogong, and edited the national history. Since I became the Chief Superintendent, I have devoted myself day and night, and I don't want everyone to lose their due position. I am as happy to hear the advantages of others as I am to have them. He is sensible and proficient in administrative affairs, and corrects them with literature and classics. He reviewed and revised the law for the purpose of tolerance and stability. He doesn't choose people for perfection, he doesn't ask others for his own strengths, he looks at his own talents, and he doesn't exclude others because of their humble status. Everyone who talks about him praises him as a good man. When he became a prince, Jia became the prince's teacher, still presiding over provincial affairs and supervising the compilation of national history. Soon after, he was commended by the book for writing A Record of the Great Emperor Taizong, and was given a paragraph of 1500. This year, Ling Xuan left his post due to the death of his stepmother, and the court specially left him a cemetery in Zhaoling. Soon, he returned to his official position. When Emperor Taizong personally levied Liaodong, he ordered Ling Xuan to stay in the capital and wrote a letter in his own hand, saying, "You shoulder the heavy responsibility like Xiao He, so I have no worries." The weapons of the army and the food of the soldiers were given to him for handling and dispatching. Ling Xuan wrote many times that you should not underestimate your enemies, especially be alert and careful. Soon, assistant minister Chu Suiliang was ordered to rewrite the Book of Jin. In the twenty-third year of Zhenguan, the emperor visited Yuhua Palace. At that time, Ling Xuan had a relapse, and the emperor ordered him to sleep at the main station. When he was seriously ill, Ling Xuan chased him to Yuhua Palace, took a sedan chair into the temple, and got off the sedan chair near the emperor's throne. Emperor Taizong wept at him, and Ling Xuan was too sad to control himself. Send to a famous doctor for treatment. The official in charge of the emperor's diet provided him with royal food every day. If his illness can be slightly relieved, Taizong will be happy to show his face; If you hear that your illness is getting worse, you will become sad. After his illness worsened, he opened the door by cutting open the palace wall and sent eunuchs to meet him many times. The emperor came in person again, shaking hands and saying goodbye, which was unbearable; The crown prince also went to say goodbye to him. He died soon after he was 70. The court will not sit for three days.
Liu Fang said: Ling Xuan helped Taizong pacify the world and died in the position of prime minister for 32 years. Everyone in the world called him a saint. But I can't describe his greatness, and his virtue can be said to be quite profound. Therefore, Emperor Taizong put down foreign invasion and civil strife, while Fang and Du Ruhui did not talk about their own merits and demerits. Wei Zhi remonstrated, Fang and Du Ruhui remonstrated. Li Shiji and Li Jing are good at governing the people, and Fang and Du Ruhui adopted their opinions, bringing politics to peace, but putting goodness to the monarch. It is appropriate to say that they are ministers of the Tang imperial clan.