Liu Xu, the son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was strangled by a bear. He is strong, but his IQ is too low. He is full of energy every day and has never killed the enemy on the battlefield. He spent all his energy fighting the bear. He built a bear park and fought with bears every day. It is said that every time the bear was beaten badly (I don't believe it anyway), but one day, he met a bear master, and he was exhausted and killed by the bear.
Duke Jing of Jin was a monarch of the State of Jin. He was drowned by dung. Once he was seriously ill and took a wizard to see a doctor. As a result, the wizard actually said that he would not live to eat new wheat this year. Duke Jing of Jin was very angry. He doesn't believe in this evil. He lived until the new wheat harvest next year. He said to the wizard with oatmeal, your prediction is not accurate. Kill you first, then kill the wizard. Then he wanted to eat porridge. Suddenly he felt a stomachache and went to the toilet. After a long time, he did not come out. His men went in to check and found Duke Jing of Jin lying in a cesspit. ...
King George II of England (1683-1760) loved the army all his life. 1743, in the Battle of Daitingen with France, he fought on foot without a horse, commanded the battle with a sword, and finally won the battle at a small cost. 176010 On the morning of 25th, George II, who had been constipated for many years, used too much force when defecating, which led to the rupture of dissecting aneurysm and sudden death on the toilet.