The tree wants to keep quiet, but the wind will not stop; My son wants to serve his parents when they are old, but they are gone.
No one comes to the ends of the earth, and classical news is easy to understand. The five emperors of Huang Sanhe and China lived among the twenty-four filial piety. Yu Shun's first dutiful son, Emperor Yao Li Yi, was the son of heaven, and both princesses were as kind as Yi. Dashun lived on the emperor's farm and respected his parents. He dug a well, burning the feeling that crows pecked grass and changed their fields. The second dutiful son, Emperor Wendi, died young, and his mother Wendi was sick in bed. He waits on his mother every day, giving medicine and snacks, which makes him feel the most filial. He has been dead for 240 years. Third, I have always been filial, and my mother and son are deeply attached to the world. Once I took part in chopping wood, and my heart and my heart suddenly hurt. It turns out that my mother and daughter are sick at home, and the abdominal pain is unbearable to bite their fingers. My mother's finger even pierced her son's heart and flew back without hesitation. The fourth filial son is Toshiko. His father died young in his mother's mother, and then he married his stepmother and gave birth to two children, so that his parents could recover. The stepmother treats Yi with a broken heart, and the father is very angry and wants to stop Minko. When my mother leaves, she will leave my second son alone and leave her to me coldly. The fifth son, Lu, is very filial. He traveled all over the world thinking about his parents' rapeseed to feed their parents' sufferings. He rushed back as soon as he heard it, walked a hundred miles with his food, went home to support his parents, and knelt down to apologize. The world calls filial piety a good name. Sixth, Yong Dong was deeply filial, sold herself to bury her father's poverty, supported the elderly and did good deeds, and met a fairy at the end of the road; Knowing that he was filial and loyal, he loved to get married in Iraq and gave him 300 ingots of gold and tapestry flowers. Seven sons are filial to their relatives, and mother and daughter love deer milk. She pretended to be a deer and went home with milk to wait on her mother. On the way back, she met a tiger, but the deer shirt didn't take off her feelings. The tiger felt filial and let Yi escape. Eighth, ginger is more than enough. My mother and daughter became widows when she was old. She has never resisted thieves or committed crimes against the city. She ran away at night without hesitation. On the way, she met many thieves and soldiers. She knelt down and begged for mercy. After all, the dutiful son is blessed, and the thief cannot bear to harm Iraq. When I was six years old, I was surprisingly filial to my mother when I was a child. My mother and daughter love to eat Xu Hong persimmons and steal them home to be smart. When my mother's uncle Shu Yuan heard this, he smiled at his nephew's filial piety. She was clever from childhood and became a good minister when she grew up. Tenth, Tang is virtuous and beautiful. She had a toothless mouth when she was old. She doesn't eat grain, but she needs milk. Her daughter-in-law does not hesitate to feed her husband's family with milk. She is hungry and hungry. Who is a dutiful wife in the world? She can admire Shang Gao. When Wu Meng was eight years old, his family was poor and there was no hukou. In June, the weather was hot and there were many mosquitoes, so his father was bitten to itch. Wu Meng, a filial young man, couldn't bear to see his father suffer, so he took off his shirt and went to bed to feed mosquitoes. When the mosquito was full, he stopped biting his father. The twelfth dutiful son is Wang Xiang, who is famous for lying on the ice looking for carp. He is anxious to treat his mother, so why should he be afraid of being frozen? Fairy Cloud was swimming by the river. When he saw Wang Xiang, he was very surprised. He listened to the truth, praised him and jumped out as a double carp. Thirteen dutiful sons, Guo Ju's father died young and his mother was widowed. The only son is three years old, and his grandmother is like the apple of his eye; It is difficult to adopt a son because he is poor. Grandson snatched the bowl from his mother, but Guo Ju had no choice but to bury it and get the gold back. Fourteen Yang Chun's dutiful son, who fought tigers, has been celebrated for thousands of years. He followed his father to farm in the mountains, and was amazed by tigers all his life. Yang Chun was fourteen years old, unarmed, and bravely saved his father. The tiger was killed alive. Zhu Shouchang, a 15-year-old dutiful son, had a hard time being an official. He missed his old mother every day, abandoned his official position and went to his hometown to find his mother. On the way back to Qingfeng Pavilion, I met the old woman in horror, and the mother and son exchanged tears with their families happily. 16 Qian Lou became an official. One day, he suddenly sweated and learned that my father was ill. He resigned immediately without delay. When I came home, I saw my father lying in bed, tasted the urine with his mouth open, and the prescription for diagnosis was fried again, hoping to prolong life. Seventeen colorful old dishes dressed as boys in spotted clothes slipped in class to please their parents; I was surprised when I fell to the ground, pretending that my baby was crying and I was too old to make my parents laugh. /kloc-Cai Shunshi, 0/8 years old, dutifully picked mulberries for her mother and left them yellow for herself to eat. Pi Wuniang tastes sweeter; When I met a thief on the road, I asked him why and told him in detail that the thief admired me. I gave him a pair of pig's trotters, and then I gave him 30 Jin of white rice. Nineteen-year-old Huang Xiangxiang Xiao is a nine-year-old elf. Mom, dad was here when you died. It's really filial to support dad. Shake the fan in summer to attract cool wind, and make the bed warm and hot in winter, which will make you a lucky star and a hero when you grow up. Twenty Ponzi filial piety carry water to the river every day. Taigu loves to drink sweet river water and loves to beat and scold without complaining. In order to serve Taigu for live carp, the dragon is not surprised to make waves. When I went up the mountain to collect firewood, I met Jiang, and the couple were overjoyed and reunited. 2 1 Wang misses his parents' mourning for Kay and knows that his mother was afraid of Lei Gong before her death and heard thunder. Go to the top of the mountain in the rain all night and run to the grave to bow down; I'm waiting for you, my mother. I'm not afraid. The 22nd dutiful son is Ding Lan. He commemorates his parents like a mountain, carves them into wooden statues for worship, and burns incense and cries day and night. The wife's little story will be like a stamp, but it will be like a bloody DC. When Ding Lan saw this, he was so angry that he cursed the bad woman for being unfilial. 23 Meng Zongda's dutiful son cried for the name of bamboo and went down in history. He begged bamboo shoots to serve his mother in severe winter and refused to be frozen with frost and snow. The dutiful son was so pious that tears welled up in his eyes that he felt the help of the gods and immediately sent bamboo shoots to Zhu Yi. This anecdote spread all over the world. Huang Tingjian, a 24-year-old son, went to school to be an official and learned that his mother was seriously ill, so he resigned and returned to China without delay. Winter goes to spring to offer summer, and washing the urine bucket for mother early. There is Qian Qian's absolute filial piety in the world, which is really rare. Twenty-four filial piety sings here, only wishing that all children and grandchildren will be wise and the daughter-in-law will be safe for thousands of years.