Seven: the master of national subjugation must be conceited, wise and light things. Pride is simple, wisdom is independent, and lightness is unprepared. If you are unprepared for the disaster, you will be in danger alone and Jane will be blocked. If you don't want to be crowded, you must be polite; If you want to be safe, you will win the crowd; If you don't want to get into trouble, you must be whole. Among the three, the great classics of emperors are also.
Jin Ligong is arrogant and extravagant, willing to listen to other people's opinions, and wants to get rid of his ministers and stand around him. Xu Tong called Gong Li and said, "We must kill Sanfu first. Most ethnic groups complain, and they are not forced to go to big families. Gong said, "Promise." Is to make the long fish kill Li, Li Qiang, as for Chao Li, and some bodies. So he swam into the craftsman, Luan Shu and Bank of China lived in seclusion. If you don't save the princes, the people won't lose their lives. Kill it in March. The trouble with the master is that he knows that he can harm others, but he doesn't know that it is improper to harm others. What is this? Lack of wisdom. You don't know if you have a short brain, and people who don't know are in danger. When Wei Wuhou was in charge of something, he screamed in court: "What the doctor cares about is nothing more than me! "
In one room, Li Kui hurried forward and said, "Chu Zhuangwang, a former leader, made great contributions when he sought something, but he was worried when he retired in North Korea. The left and right said,' Wang Li has made great contributions and retired from the DPRK. "Dare you ask him?" Wang Yue said, "Zhong You has words, but not words. As the saying goes, "the virtue of a vassal is that he can choose his teacher as king and save his friends, and his choice is better than his death." Today, I don't deserve the valley, and the plan of the ministers is beyond my reach. I'm dying! Ho-ho: Ho-ho, the bully, is also worried, but you can chop it alone! Hou Wu said, "Good." The trouble of a man's master is not that he has less, but that he has more. Quit if you have too much, and you will be exhausted if you quit. Can remonstrate with the monarch, once called it, so that the marquis of Wu can know the way of the monarch. Qi Xuanwang is a big house, with a benefit of 100 mu, with 300 households in one class.
It took three years to achieve the goal. Dare not give advice to the king. Chunju asked, "King Jing released the rites and music of the former king, but the music was light. Dare to ask if Jing is the master? " The king said, "There is no master." "Dare not remonstrate with Wan Xianchen, but dare to ask Guo Jing as a minister?" The king said, "I am not a minister." "Today, the king is a big room, with a benefit of one hundred mu and a class of three hundred households. On the scale of Qi, it will take three years to succeed. Dare not remonstrate, dare to ask if you have a minister? " The king said, "I am not a minister." Chunju said, "Minister, please!" Rush out. The king said, "Haruko! Haruko! Anti! Why is it too late to warn me now? Please stop now. " Suddenly he called for a book and said, "Book! I am corrupt, but good for a big room. Chunzi is the only one. " You must be familiar with the advice. Dare not remonstrate, not desire. Chunju wants to be like others because she is different from others. Xuan Wang Wei Chunju, laughing and laughing for the whole world. From this point of view, losing the country is like Wang Xuan, but he doesn't care about his residence in spring. Therefore, loyal ministers should also follow suit and not be careless. This gain and loss is also fundamental.
Zhao Jianzi Shen Luan swam in the river and said, "I have tasted the wonderful melody, but I am jealous of it;" I have tasted palaces and pavilions, but I love them; I have tasted a good horse, but I came with love. Today, I have been a studious scholar for six years, but I have never been in a person. That is, I am very long and lack kindness. "So, you are simple, you can be thick and responsible for your minister. If the governor is responsible to his ministers, then the master can be good, but not right and wrong; You can use it straight, but you can't waste it. The vigorous development of three generations of education.
2. Translation:
The doomed monarch must be conceited, intelligent and contemptuous of foreign things. Conceit makes you look down on the wise, think you are smart, act arbitrarily, and look down on foreign things without preparation. Without preparation, it will bring disaster, be arbitrary and arrogant, it will be very dangerous, and it will be blocked as soon as you listen. If you don't stop, you must be polite to the corporal; If you want your throne to be safe, you must get the help of everyone. If you don't invite disasters, you must be fully prepared. These three principles are the greatest principles for the monarch to govern the country.
Jin Ligong is extravagant and indulgent, and likes to listen to gossip. He wants to get rid of all his ministers and promote the people he meets to be officials. Xu Tong said to Gong Li. "Be sure to kill three surnames. They have a big family and have a lot of dissatisfaction with the office. If they get rid of the big family, they won't bully the office. " Gong Li said; "all right." So he sent a long fish to kill Li, Li and Li in the court and displayed their bodies in front of everyone. Then he went to play with craftsmen, and Luan Shu and Yan Bozhong hijacked and imprisoned him. None of the governors rescued him, and the people did not pity him. Three months later, he was killed. The disadvantage of the monarch is that he only knows that he can harm others, but he doesn't know that the people he harms should not be harmed, and he will suffer. Why is this? This is because of shortsightedness. If you are short-sighted, you don't know the change of things. People who don't know how things change will do harm to themselves.
Wei Wuhou always plans things properly. Once he stretched out his arms in the imperial court and said loudly, "No one can catch up with me in the consideration of doctors." After only standing for a while, this sentence was said several times. Li Kui quickly stepped forward and said, "In the past, Chu Zhuangwang made great achievements with careful planning, but after retiring from North Korea, he looked worried. The officer said,' Your Majesty, you have made great contributions, but after retiring from North Korea, you look worried. What is the reason? Zhuang Wang said:' Zhong Qi has something to say, and I like it very much. Other taxes: "The virtue of a vassal who can choose his own teacher will be the king of the world. If he can choose a friend for himself, he will save himself. If the chosen people are not as good as themselves, they will be destroyed. "Now, my immorality, my courtier's plan can't catch up with me, and I will probably perish!" Li Kui went on to say, "That's what those who have achieved hegemony worry about, but you're just bragging. How is this possible? " Wuhou said, "You are right." The shortcoming of the monarch is not that he looks down on himself, but that he values himself. If you value yourself, the advice you should accept will be rejected. Refuse to accept the advice, and the road to remonstrance is blocked. Li Kui can be said to be a monarch who is good at admonishing himself. As soon as he remonstrated, Wu Hou understood the truth of being a monarch.
A large palace has been built in Qi Xuanwang, the scale of which is over 100 mu, and there are 300 doors in the hall. Choose a big country with Qi, which has not been built for three years. Courtiers dare not dissuade the King of Qi. Chunyu said to Wang Xuan, "The king of Chu abandoned the rites and music of the former king, so the music became frivolous. Is there a wise king in Chu? " Xuan Wang said; "There is no wise monarch." Chunju said, "Although there are thousands of so-called virtuous ministers like Qian Qian, no one dares to remonstrate. Is there a virtuous minister in Chu? " Ren Xuan said: "There is no good minister." Chunju said, "To build a well-to-do house, the scale of the well-to-do house is over 100 mu, and there are 300 doors in the hall. A country as big as Qi can't be built in three years. No one dared to dissuade courtiers. Are you a good courtier? " Xuan Wang said; "There is no good minister." Chunju said, "I beg your permission to leave!" " "Say that finish and quickly go out. "Ren Xuan said haruko! Haruko! Come back, why did you discourage me so late? "The official who called in quickly said," Write it, I am not virtuous, and I like to build big official houses. Haruko stopped me. "We must seriously consider this proposal. Those who dare not remonstrate are unwilling to remonstrate. Chunju wants to do the same thing as others, and adopts different persuasion methods. If Wang Xuan didn't live in Chunju, he would almost be laughed at by the whole world. From this point of view, most subjugated monarchs are like Wang Xuan, but their misfortune is that there are no courtiers like Chunju. Therefore, those loyal ministers who dare to remonstrate should also remonstrate and cannot take it seriously. This is the root of success or failure.
Zhao Jianzi said Luan Yi sank into the Yellow River; "I used to like music, so I understand. I used to like palaces and pavilions. I built them for myself. I used to like a good horse and rider, so I got it. Now I like sages for six years, but Luan Ai has never recommended anyone. This is to encourage my mistakes and obliterate my advantages. " Therefore, people like Jianzi can observe and criticize courtiers in strict accordance with principles. If you examine and criticize your courtiers according to principles, you can do good things with him instead of doing wrong things, and do upright things with him instead of doing evil things. This is the beautiful enlightenment of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties.