○Collect the bean sprouts
Pick the bean sprouts and harvest the bean sprouts in the basket. When a gentleman comes to court, what will he do to him? Although nothing was given? Road carriage rides on horseback. What to do with it? Xuangun and Fu.
Look at the boiling spring and pick the celery. When a gentleman comes to court, he observes his flag. The flags are clear and the luan sounds. It is the duty of a gentleman to carry on his duties.
Red Fu is in the stock, and Xie is at the bottom. He was rescued by the bandits, which was given by the emperor. Music is only for gentlemen, and the emperor orders it. A gentleman is happy and blessed with good fortune.
The branches of the Wei oak tree have fluffy leaves. A gentleman is a happy man, and he is in the state of the emperor. Happy gentleman, all blessings are the same. He is also obedient to mediocre people.
Pan Yang Zhou, Gui Geng Wei. Music is only for gentlemen, and the emperor loves it. A gentleman is happy and blessed. You are free to travel, but you are also cruel.
○Pick green
If you pick green in the end, you won’t get enough. I'm going to play music, and I'm going to sleep with my thin words.
In the end, I will pick blue, but I won’t be able to get a single shade. The period is five days, and there is no delay for six days.
The son was hunting and told Wei Chang about his bow. The son is fishing and talking about the rope.
What’s the point of fishing? Wei bream and bream. Wei bream and bream are thin-tongued observers.
○Millet seedlings
Peng Peng millet seedlings, use Yinyu ointment. Travel south leisurely and call for the shrike.
I have my chariot, my chariot, and my oxen. I have gathered together on my journey, and I have returned home with the clouds behind me.
I am a disciple, I am a charioteer, I am a teacher, I am a brigade. My journey has gathered, and the clouds have returned to their destination.
Supremely thank you for your merits and call Bo Ying. Lie Lie levied troops and summoned Bo to succeed.
The original sun is flat and the spring is clear. If Zhao Bo is successful, the king's heart will be at peace.
○Xixi Mulberry
Xixi Mulberry has Ah, and its leaves are difficult. How happy is it to see a gentleman?
Xi Mulberry has Ah, and its leaves are fertile. Now that I see a gentleman, why not be happy?
There is a mulberry in Xi, and its leaves are quiet. When you see a gentleman, your virtue sounds like Kongjiao.
The heart is full of love, but the distance is not known? Hide it in the center, and never forget it!
○Bai Hua
The white flowers look like flowers, and the white grasses are like bunches. My son is far away, leaving me alone.
The white clouds of Yingying reveal the grass. The journey is difficult, and the son will not hesitate.
The Qi Lake flows northward and soaks the rice fields. I sing and sing sadly, thinking of that great man.
The woodcutters and mulberry trees are drying in the heat. Weibi Shuo people really help my heart.
Drums and bells are heard in the palace, and the sound is heard outside. When I think about it, I look down upon me.
There are eagles in the beams and cranes in the woods. Weibi Shuo people really help my heart.
The mandarin ducks are in Liang, and their left wing is captured. The son is unscrupulous, but he has two or three virtues.
There are flat stones, which make the shoes look humble. My son is far away, so I can get sick.