14 what is the memory formula of neighboring countries?

Method 1: Recite poems.

"Korea, Mongolia, Hajita, Indonesia and Bhutan. Myanmar and Laos are connected with Vietnam, and neighboring countries on land are connected in turn. " Poetry mnemonic method is to write a poem with neighboring countries on land, which reflects 14 countries. The advantage of this method is that the last three sentences of the poem are very rhyming and it is easy to strengthen the memory.

Method 2: the jingle memory method.

"Russia and Mongolia account for half, and there are three Stan in the northwest. Hastan, Gistan, get down, Tastan. Bin Laden was not at war in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Bhutan is adjacent to Nepal and is surrounded by China and India. Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam are like eggs laid by a golden rooster. " The jingle method is very similar to the poetic method, which is about 14 neighboring countries merging into jingles. The advantage is catchy and easy to remember.

Method 3: Story memory method.

"The rising sun (North Korea), a (Russian) guy is sleeping soundly in his bag (Mongolia). Suddenly, a beautiful song came from the northwest. It turned out that three girls (Ha), (Ji) and (Ta) were singing and dancing. They wiped (Afghan) and tidied up (Pakistan), along the ancient civilization-(India) to Guo Shan (Nepal) and Bhutan. Because they have been away from home for too long, how can they not miss their hometown in Myanmar (Laos)? They are convinced that life will not become more and more difficult through their efforts (Vietnam). "

Story memorization is to connect 14 land neighbors in series through stories, and then help everyone remember them one by one.

These three methods are all effective methods to remember 14 land neighbors. No matter which method is adopted, you need to actively remember, and you can choose the memory method that suits you according to your own needs.