Earth and stone pile up into mountains, and the wind and rain start from here; Water flows into the abyss, and dragons are born from it; Accumulate good deeds and cultivate noble character, then you will reach a high degree of wisdom and you will have the spiritual realm of a saint. Therefore, without the accumulation of half a step, there is no way to reach thousands of miles away; Without the accumulation of tiny flowing water, there is no way to merge into the rivers and seas. The horse jumped less than ten paces; A bad horse can walk for ten days, and its success lies in its constant walking. If it stops after a while, the rotten wood will continue to be carved. Stick to carving and the stone will be carved successfully. Earthworms have no sharp claws and teeth and strong bones and muscles, but they can eat dirt and drink spring water because they are single-minded. A crab has eight feet and two big claws. If there were no caves for snakes and crickets, it would have nowhere to live. This is because of impetuousness.
Xunzi-"Persuade to Learn"