Quoted from a poem by Xue.
It can be seen that seals are very important, especially real seals. The ancients should pay attention to etiquette when using seals. It is said that peers use their own seals, and young people should use famous seals for their elders, and vice versa. Leisure chapters are used to decorate the layout of calligraphy works. Generally, squares are not used, and circular, semi-circular, gourd-shaped and natural shapes are used as required. You can also make philosophical or expressive sentences to encourage others and yourself to learn. Seals, like calligraphy and painting, are used for collection after production and may be left to future generations.
Therefore, the seal on calligraphy works is not casually stamped, but has certain regulations, mainly to improve the artistic effect of the whole work. And at ordinary times, we should take the seal seriously, pay more attention to maintenance, and can't destroy the seal casually.