People are kind, like the grass in the spring garden, which grows day by day, but its length is not seen; Man-made disasters are like whetstones. If you can't see its harm, you will lose every day. The predecessors want to warn: "Don't do it with small evils, don't do it with small goodness"! Do a good deed every day, and every little good will be rewarded; Do an evil every day, and a small evil becomes a big evil, and evil is full of trouble! If you accumulate good things, there will be Qing Yu. If you accumulate bad things, you will be punished!
There is a woman in the village who cruelly abused her elderly and frail mother-in-law. She refused to eat delicious food or treat her illness. She cursed the old man for his early death every day, which was unbearable for her mother-in-law. In desperation, she drank the pesticide and left. Everyone accused them behind their backs and said with indignation that women's hearts are like snakes and scorpions, and they will be punished sooner or later. Sure enough, the daughter-in-law married by a son is worse than a woman, and the wicked have their own wicked grinding! This woman got a strange disease when she was old. Her body is festering, dirty and smelly. She stayed alone in the dark house, curled up in bed like a dying dog, and her daughter-in-law left her to fend for herself. Everyone else knows her previous evil deeds, and no one sympathizes with her. On the contrary, they all feel as if they have exhaled evil spirits. This is called: "Heaven can forgive evil, and if you commit it, you can't live", and karma is not good!
People are kind, although the blessing has not arrived, the disaster is far away; Man-made disaster, although the disaster has not arrived, the blessing is far away. People are doing, the sky is watching, and there is a god who looks up at three feet. Heaven has a good cycle since ancient times. Who has heaven spared? Therefore, in this world, you can't lack conscience if you lack anything, and you can't lack character if you lack anything. You should know how to be filial to your parents, always be kind, be a good person, be safe all your life, be a wicked person and be nervous!
As the saying goes, good is rewarded with good, and evil with evil, not without reporting. It will be reported then. Heaven has eyes and will not let go of any vicious villain.
In the early 1970s, there was a surnamed tang family in my hometown yard, and his wife died of illness. Lao Tang is both a father and a mother. He worked hard to raise Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao is lazy and idle, stealing chickens and dogs, and his neighbors hate him. For this matter, Tang Xiao was scolded and beaten countless times.
When Tang Xiao 18 years old, he was as tall and strong as an ox. Old Tang is old, saying that he can't win or move, and no one can stop him. At home, he is an uncle and a bully. He beat Lao Tang indiscriminately and was beaten black and blue. He was not allowed to eat or drink. Old Tang was forced to eat and sleep in the pigsty.
One winter, Lao Tang was cold and hungry. He quietly took some sweet potatoes from the cellar and burned them in the earthen stove. When Tang Xiao found them, he wrestled with others and tried to burn them. Tang Xiao grabbed a hoe, hit him on the head and was killed alive. The village-based militia captured Tang Xiao and sent him to the town police station, where he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the court.
I don't know why, I stayed in prison for more than ten years, and he was released before he was 40. By the time he returned to the village, his house had collapsed and he couldn't live there. My uncle sympathized with Tang Xiao's father and kindly took him in.
After living in my uncle's house for less than half a year, I was caught stealing my neighbor's chickens and ducks. The crowd killed him. My uncle gave him dozens of dollars to get out of here. Since then, I have never owed anything. Tang Xiao hated his uncle for being unkind. In a rage, he set fire to two tile houses in his house and ran away, and there was no news of him.
One day in the summer of 2002, a stranger asked his uncle to visit his nephew Tang Xiao in a coal mine in the mountains. My uncle hurried to see Tang Xiao, who was thin, fragile and terminally ill. It turned out that after he burned down his uncle's house, he was afraid of going to jail and had been hiding in the mountains to help people steal coal mines to make a living.
Tang Xiao said that a year ago, the liver suddenly developed several hard pimples, and the pain was severe. Now that I've vomited, I'm afraid I won't live long. Before I die, I want to see my only relative in this world and ask for forgiveness. He also said that he had done evil all his life, lost his conscience and deserved to die. I hope to be a good person in the next life. In a few days, this evil obstacle died.
The author believes that no matter what era or environment, we must accumulate goodness, otherwise, heaven has eyes and will never let you go. This is karma, this is karma. I'm Nong Liang, from my home, for reference only.
There is a man in the village who has six sons. Because there are many people, he always bullies a neighbor who has no son and laughs at others closing their accounts every day. Later, his six sons also destroyed him.
When somebody else's chicken flies to his house, they insist that it belongs to their own. Neighbors beat people with a slight excuse to seize their homestead and fields. As long as they are neighbors with him, they are bullied by him. All his neighbors were beaten by him.
Six sons married and had children one after another, and the eldest son gave birth to two boys in a row. Men are particularly happy, saying that their ancestors have accumulated virtue and their generation is prosperous. In the year when the second son gave birth to his eldest daughter, both boys in the eldest son's family fell into the pond and drowned. The man's family was very sad, and his neighbors who bullied him said that he had done too much evil and deserved it. His dead duck mouth shut: "I have lost two grandchildren, but I still have six sons." I can have a dozen grandchildren if I want to. What about you, a few girl films, no matter how you live. "
Unexpectedly, his six sons, spanning more than ten years, gave birth to more than a dozen girls and never saw the boy again. He was ashamed and laughed at others for never leaving their accounts. His six sons can't live without their families, so he let his sons live all the time and his daughters-in-law quit. The eldest daughter-in-law divorced after two sons drowned, and the second daughter-in-law and the third daughter-in-law quietly went to have their vasectomy. After the fourth daughter-in-law gave birth to three daughters in a row, she suffered from massive bleeding, which directly led to infertility. The fifth daughter-in-law and her son fight every day and run away with her daughter and another man. Only six daughters-in-law, very honest, obedient, a little dull, gave birth to seven daughters, the eighth is a son.
The midwife told her parents-in-law that she had a grandson, and the man was so happy that he quickly publicized it outside that his family finally had a grandson. God opened his eyes, and his ancestors accumulated virtue.
His neighbors gave him a double blessing.
The next day, he was dejected and despondent, not at all like a newborn male grandson. When he inquired, it turned out that his long-awaited male grandson was born with congenital disability and many deformities.
This man is an old man at this time. He bullied others by his son's love when he was young. After the male grandson drowned, he held back his strength and finally gave birth to a grandson. It turned out to be such a disability. He wanted to throw away the boy in his arms, and his daughter-in-law cried and grabbed it back. Finally, he came back to life. The child was born with many shortcomings and could only crawl on the ground. There is something wrong with his IQ. Everyone calls him "Ten Handicapped", which means he has ten Handicapped.
The boy died when he was five years old. Daughter-in-law will never give birth again.
The arrogant old man laughed at the neighbor who closed his account for life. Finally, after he closed his account, he ran to his father's grave and cried and said, "Dad, I was wrong. The incense was broken in my hand. It's all my fault. " He cried so badly that his neighbors laughed at him and said he deserved it. Since his disabled grandson was born, his daughters-in-law have been blocked, and he can no longer chat in the crowd. At that time, he liked talking in the crowd best.
Everyone in the village said that he did too much evil and deserved it. He didn't leave his six sons and a male grandson. He laughed at others for refusing his hukou all his life, and all his six sons became rejected hukou in the eyes of others.
However, his sons are doing well, perhaps because they have no sons. When they were young, the prestige of hitting people with his father was completely gone, and they all became more modest, and their relationship with their neighbors eased a lot.
Although the villagers all say that all their six sons died in the end, it is karma, but I don't believe in karma. After all, there are all kinds of coincidences in the world.
It is hard to say that six sons have no boys, which can only be a coincidence. There may also be scientific reasons that everyone can't explain. Now that men and women are equal in society, it cannot be said that having a daughter is a karma. If it is karma, what is the identity of the daughter? Is it unlucky to have a daughter?
"One good deed deserves another, and evil deserves another" is actually just the beautiful imagination of the weak. They can't beat the strong, so they hope for karma, but it's not. The phenomenon that "good people don't live long, but harm people for thousands of years" is also very common. Because good people always think too much about others, suffer too much injustice and live too tired, so the so-called "cancer character" is a typical kind of good people, while bad people are selfish, thinking only about themselves, happy, healthy and easy to live long.
Whether there is retribution or not, be a man or do more good deeds, live up to your conscience, be kind to others and feel at ease.