When Ma Huanghou was buried after his death, he was furious because of the heavy rain. He rushed to the accompanying ministers and said, If the heavy rain doesn't stop, I will kill you all and bury you with the queen! People are scared when they hear this, but they are just people. How can they stop the rain? Seeing that the rain can't stop, everyone feels cool. Just as I was dying, a monk suddenly stood up. This monk is very talented and learned. He came forward to sing a poem. The general meaning of this poem is: it rains because God is crying, and it thunders because heaven is lamenting. This rain is good. This is the last journey for the gods and buddhas to send the queen!
At that time, ordinary people believed in Buddhism, and Lao Zhu happened to be an ordinary person. And he used to be a monk and a disciple of the Buddha. Hearing this, the sadness in his heart turned into full relief: it turned out that the death of the queen was not only my sadness, but even the heaven could not help crying! So he knew that the rain was not aimed at him, not to prevent the queen from being buried, so he turned his anger into joy, and the officials around him narrowly escaped the fate of being buried.
So why did Ma Huanghou's death make Zhu Yuanzhang so angry?
It turned out that Zhu Yuanzhang experienced a miserable childhood and youth and was excluded from the temple. Only after he joined the army did he begin to make a fortune. He was tall, brawny and courageous, so he was soon valued by Guo Ziyi for his bravery. Later, he was promoted from a soldier to a teenager, and later he was even more powerful than Guo Ziyi's sons. Guo Ziyi has no daughter, but the daughter of a former friend has been at his house. Seeing such a strong man under his account, I arranged them together. Zhu Yuanzhang's original wife was later Ma Huanghou.
Ma Huanghou is simple by nature and doesn't like putting on airs. He not only gave Zhu a son, but also silently supported her husband and often went out with him. Once Zhu Yuanzhang was injured on the battlefield, and all the soldiers fled. Fortunately, his wife rushed in and carried him behind his back, saving his life. Therefore, the two not only have ordinary marital feelings, but also have the friendship of saving lives. The queen is not only his wife, but also his savior. But even though he loves his wife, she is never proud.
In A.D. 1382, Ma Huanghou suddenly fell ill. At this time, she was not old enough to receive treatment. But she refused the doctor's treatment too much, and also refused to pray for blessings. In her opinion, life and death are inevitable. It's no use taking medicine when you're dead. Those prayers are a waste of manpower. So she rested in the palace until she died. Before she died, she always told her husband: Never use loyal ministers and stay away from villains!
Because of the benefits of loving his wife, Zhu Yuanzhang was in a bad mood that day. Thanks to the witty monk, this saved everyone from punishment.