Rose (scientific name: Rosasp. ): It is the general name of some plants in the genus Rosa, mainly referring to the varieties of lianas and horticultural varieties. Most of them are small flowers climbing fences like vines, and they are deciduous shrubs originating in China, with strong variability. Stem spines are large and generally have hooks, saving 3 or 4 each; Leaves alternate, odd pinnate compound leaves, 5-9 leaflets, serrated leaves, flat but pilose leaves. Flowers are usually 6-7 families, conical corymbose inflorescences, born at the top of branches, with a flower diameter of about 3 cm, and only bloom once a year. Rosa multiflora plate surrounds the mouth of calyx tube and has many colors such as white and yellow. Sepals will fall off after withering; Fruit is spherical.