Are there any good paragraphs to extract?

The tram moved slowly along Fendukleyev Street, and the motor whined. It drove to the front of the opera house and stopped. A group of young people got off the bus and it continued to climb.

Pankratov kept urging those who were left behind: "Let's go, comrades. We are definitely going to be late. "

Okunev didn't catch up with him until he reached the door of the Opera House and said, "Do you remember, ignat, that's how we came to the meeting three years ago?

At that time, Kochagin, Dubawa and a group of' workers' opposition' returned to our team. The meeting that night was really good. Today we are going to have another fight with Dubois. "

They showed their certificates to the inspection team standing at the door and walked into the meeting. At this time, pankratov replied: "Yes, this play of Dubawa will be repeated again."

Someone hissed at them to keep quiet. They had to find a seat nearby. The meeting in the evening has already started. The speaker on the stage is a lesbian.

"Come at the right time. Listen to what your wife has to say. " Pankratov poked okunev with his elbow and said quietly.

"... yes, we spent a lot of time and energy in this debate, but young people took part in it and learned a lot. We can point out with great satisfaction the fact that the failure of Trotskyites has become an expected conclusion in our organization. We gave them the opportunity to speak and let them fully expound their views. They have nothing to complain about in this regard. On the contrary, they even abused the freedom of action we gave them and did a series of things that seriously undermined the party's discipline. "

Tally Yatai was so excited that a lock of hair fell on her face, which prevented her from speaking. She threw her head back and continued: "Many comrades from various regions have spoken here, and they all talked about the various means adopted by Trotskyites. Quite a few trotskyites attended the meeting. Each district specially sent them representative cards, so that everyone could listen to their opinions at the party congress in this city. They didn't say much, so it's not our fault. They were completely defeated in all districts and sub-bureaus and learned a little better. It is difficult for them to run to this podium and repeat those old tunes. "

Suddenly, a man in the right corner of the venue gave a shrill cry and interrupted Talia's speech: "We still have to talk."

Talia turned to the man and said, "All right, Dubawa, please come up and talk. We want to hear it. "

Du Bawa looked at her indignantly and curled her lips nervously.

"I will naturally say it then!" He let out a cry and immediately remembered his fiasco in Solomon yesterday. Everyone in that area knew him.

There were voices of discontent at the meeting. Pankratov couldn't help shouting: "What, do you still want to shake our party?"

Dubawa recognized his voice, but he didn't even look back. He just bit his lip hard and bowed his head.