Does anyone know the foreign lyrics of Schubert's Wild Rose?


Heidenr? kill

How are you? Celine stine,

r? Helen,

Is this how the war ended? n,

Liv is not here,

Hello, I'm Waylon Froy Deng.

r? Slein River? Slein River? Rot and deterioration.

r? Hayden night.

I got it.

r? Come on, Hayden!

r? Slein Placci: I know,

Da? You turned me down,

I don't want to go to Leiden

r? Slein River? Slein River? Slein rotted,

r? Hayden night.

Where is Wilde's house? s

r? slein auf der Heiden

r? slein wehrte sich und stach,

Not with us half the time,

Mu? This is Leiden.

r? Slein River? Slein River? Slein rotted,

r? Hayden night.

A boy saw a red wild rose in the field and said to the rose, I'm taking you away. Rose said: I have a thorn, which will sting you. But the naughty boy took it off anyway. As a result, the boy stabbed his hand, but the rose field was picked

I can't guarantee that the general idea is correct.