Look for ancient sayings and ballads and create your own.

The flowers in the purple palace are fragrant by the wind, who laughs and rises and falls; Feathers and dresses, husband and wife, moonlight and brocade, who shed tears at the window; Young and ignorant, weak bones reduce Zhu Liang, looking back on the wall; Once upon a time, I dreamed of falling into the phoenix tree, who was the king. Fireflies put out the fire, bamboo surrounded the hall, wine was cooked, fireworks were exhausted, and the room was sad and the cold pillow was unbearable. The autumn water is over eight barren years, and the iron horse is broken and frivolous. Who wants to carve three stones? Even the rain and smoke are separated by a vast expanse, and the ruins are buried in the lonely light, and the soul dreams of returning home; Don't chase after the new year, the beauty will change in an instant, and it is hard to think about anything in life; Qiangdi played again, graceful posture around the beam, golden dragon around the hall, crowned Feng Di.