Based on the original text, this paper analyzes the reasons of Evelyn's "mental paralysis"
Combined with the original text, this paper analyzes the reasons of Evelyn's "mental paralysis" and the correct answer: ① The invasion and exploitation of British colonialism led to the hardships of people's lives. Evelyn and her brother both worked hard for a small income. (2) The bondage of the Catholic Church to people's spirit. Evelyn's home is decorated with portraits of saints and priests. Evelyn repeatedly prayed to God when she hesitated at the dock, which is a typical embodiment of this psychological state. ③ The bondage of family values and traditional thinking. Mother's dying entrustment, her father's rare kindness, her brother's daily hard work and the comments of colleagues and neighbors all affected her determination to leave home. See textbook P292 for the answer analysis. I have carefully arranged the relevant questions and answers for the majority of self-taught students over the years. If you want to know about related issues, please continue to pay attention to online schools.