Boya is good at playing drums, but Zhong Ziqi is good at listening. Boyaguqin, aim at the mountains. Zhong Ziqi said, "OK, I am as tall as Mount Tai!" Determined to run water, Zhong Ziqi said, "Good, like a river!" Zhong Ziqi will understand what Boya said. Boya swims in the shadow of Mount Tai. When he encounters a rainstorm, he stops under a rock. The sadness of the soul is to beat the drum with the help of the piano. At the beginning, it was Lin Yu's operation that made the voice of mountain collapse louder. Every time a song is played, Zhong Ziqi needs to be poor for its benefit. Boya gave up the piano and sighed, "OK, OK, my son listens to her husband! Imagination is still my heart. Why should I escape? " ?
Boya is good at playing the piano, while Zhong Ziqi is good at listening. Boya plays the piano, thinking about the mountains. Zhong Ziqi said, "Good! As high as Mount Tai! " Thinking about running water, Zhong Ziqi said, "Good! The mighty water looks like a river! " Zhong Ziqi must know what Boya missed. Boya was visiting the northern part of Mount Tai when suddenly he was caught in a rainstorm under the rock. I felt sad, so I picked up the piano and played. At first it was the sound of continuous rain, and then it was the sound of landslides.
Every time he plays a piece of music, Zhong Ziqi always finds the source of his interest. Boya put down the piano and sighed, "You listen to the song well, well!" The imagination in my head is like my heart. Where can I let my piano sound escape your ears? "
Extended data?
Boya, a doctor of the State of Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, was born in Chu (now Jingzhou, Hubei). According to textual research, the word "Bo" was coined by Feng Menglong, a novelist in the late Ming Dynasty, while the previous books such as Shangshu, Xunzi and Liezi were all. Gaoyou in the Eastern Han Dynasty noted: "Bo Shi, tooth name, or elegance", and the modern etymology also noted: "Bo Shi, tooth name". Bo was a very common surname in ancient times, such as Bo Yi who didn't eat, and Bole who was good at horse racing in Qin Dynasty.
Zhong Ziqi, name emblem, word sub-period. In the Spring and Autumn Period, he was a native of Chu (now Hanyang, Hubei). According to legend, Zhong Ziqi was a lumberjack, wearing a hemp fiber hat, carrying a burden and an axe. It is recorded in history that Yu Boya played the piano by the Han River. Zhong Ziqi sighed: "It is like a mountain and swings like running water." The two became close friends. After Zhong Ziqi's death, Yu Boya thought that there was no bosom friend in the world, and he would never play the piano again in his life.