Jingle about Lao Wang next door

1. The north wind blows, the autumn breeze is cool, and a good woman encounters a gangster. If you have any difficulties, I will help. I live next door and my name is Lao Wang. Transparent cabinet, solid bed, I'll see where you hide it. The sky is blue and the wilderness is vast. If I am caught, my surname will not be Wang.

2. The wind is blowing and the autumn breeze is cool. Whose lovely wife is guarding the vacant room? If you have any difficulties, I will help. I live next door. My surname is Wang. Lao Wang, Lao Wang, don’t be crazy. It’s a solid bed with a transparent cabinet. Labor and management will see where you hide it. If you don't hide in the cupboard or enter the bed, I can enjoy the coolness of the kitchen skylight. In fact, there is no need to hide at all. You can enjoy the coolness of dozens of floors and accidentally pay for it. The sky is blue, the fields are vast, and I don’t want to be named Wang for fear of death.

3. Ten years of life and death, no thought, no memory, lonely grave thousands of miles away, no place to talk about desolation, savings and loans to buy a new house, good neighbor, his surname is Wang, and in a few days, he will have a baby Bed, Lao Wang, Lao Wang, don’t be crazy! Solid bed with transparent cabinet, where do you want to hide it?

4. The widow next door was guarding the empty house and begged me to help with tears. The village leader Lao Song and his wife begged me not to forget to come and visit. Lao Wang is really busy, not for myself or others. I am busy all my life. What kind of salary is there? I just hope that there will be no empty bed in the world; everyone in the world says that Lao Wang is good, so that the woman will not run around. If you don’t believe it, please listen to the sound from the bed next door.

5. The north wind is blowing and the autumn breeze is cool. Whose lovely wife is guarding the empty house? If you have any difficulties, I will help. I am as active as a tiger and as quiet as a wolf. I am seven feet tall, as long as a stick, and a man of 18 centimeters. I am physically strong and have great skills. I once graduated from Lanxiang. The bridal chamber; now, the reputation is so great, I live next door and my surname is Wang!