Fish, what I want, bear's paw, what I want, you can't have it both ways, and you can take the bear's paw instead of the fish. Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. You can't have both. Those who give up their lives for righteousness are also. If people don't enjoy life, then what can be used to find a means of survival, which can't be used? I hate death, too. Death is more terrible than the dead, so I can't avoid it. You can survive by some means, but some people don't want to use it; There are some ways to escape the scourge, but some people refuse to use it. Make people worse than the dead, then why not avoid the patients! Born with it, born without it; If you are right, you can avoid pain and do something wrong. A bowl of rice, a bowl of soup, you can live if you get it, but you will starve if you don't get it. But with disdain to drink and eat, hungry pedestrians are unwilling to accept it; Kick others' food with their feet, and beggars will not accept it.
The senior official accepted it without distinguishing whether it was appropriate or not. Call it, and the people in the street will be blessed; Begging for help is too much.
What's the use of 10 thousand minutes to me if I accept it without distinguishing the etiquette? For the beauty of the palace and the service of wives and concubines, I won't help those who know how to repay kindness? Die for the body, not subject to the body, this is the beauty of the palace; Die for yourself, not subject to it, and now be regarded as a wife; I want to die for my life, but now I want to die for the poor and the needy: yes or no? This is called the loss of humanity.