1, the hand is not responsible, and the exhortation is not implemented. Sometimes you are too short and dark for your neighbors, and you don't remember to entertain you with your crown. The combination of good and evil is far beyond the reach, and it is not a dispute between human cheeks and tongues.
2. My gentleman is outstanding in the auxiliary county, and his responsibilities are inseparable. The knife was thrown away for a long time, enough to lead to the big bang. Monk called benevolence, but abstinence among the people should not be delayed.
3. If life is an ant, no matter how stupid it is, you should know how to respect it. A hundred officials in the court, the responsibility is not subtle. What you keep is right, but how can you live?
4, the son of heaven accidentally picked it up and sealed it. A little power, a heavy responsibility, and a hundred troubles. Column chapter begging county, given to welcome kindness.
5, Jun Jun, listen, life leaves an ordinary ear, sang Tian Cang Hai moves from time to time, a man is a gentleman, and the national responsibility lies with the teenager. You encourage me to do it.
6, thin words make things heavy, and urgency is providence. If one party is sick, the responsibility is not equal. Consultation is too difficult to stop.