"Send Yuan Er to Anxi" [Tang] Wang Wei
The rain in the early morning moistened the dust of the land, the inn of the inn, the branches and leaves of the inn, and a new leaf Sincerely advise friends to drink a glass of wine, and it is difficult to meet their relatives when they go out to the sun.
In the morning of the Acropolis, it suddenly began to drizzle, wetting the dust blown by the wind on the road, and the air was cool. The roof tiles of the guest house are watery turquoise, and the uneven willow color makes people feel fresh. I'm here to pay you. No, please have another drink! Once out of the lonely sunshine, you will never see your old friends again.
1, [Anxi] refers to Anxi Prefecture in the Tang Dynasty.
2. [Weicheng] Xianyang City in Qin Dynasty was renamed Weicheng in Han Dynasty. It is located in the northeast of Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, on the north bank of Weishui River.
3.[ all] wet, wet.
4. [Yangguan] is the name of the ancient customs, so it is located in the southwest of Dunhuang, Gansu.
This is a seven-character farewell poem, which expresses the poet's deep farewell to his friends. At that time, Yuan Er was ordered by the imperial court to go to Anxi, the northwest frontier, and the poet sent him away in Weicheng (now Xianyang). "The light rain in the morning wet the dust on the endless post road of the Acropolis and washed the willow branches next to the hotel, making the willow trees look particularly green and fresh."
The word "Yu Chao" is very important. It shows that it hasn't rained for a long time. The word "Huan" is used properly, which means that the dust is wet before the rain stops. The mail road from Chang 'an West, which is usually dusty, is now particularly refreshing, as if it were what people want. In a word, these two sentences outline a picture with fresh and bright colors.
Whether it's sunny weather, refreshing postal routes, green hotels and green willows, they are full of positive and brisk rhythms. The last two sentences are touching scenes, which directly express the poet's sincere wishes for his friend's future treasure, and also imply the poet's deep concern for his friend's future. "My good friend, you have another drink.
Because, there is no old friend who can drink with you outside yangguan. "When I saw you off, I advised the traveler to have another glass of wine, not only to let the traveler take away more friendship, but also to hope that the traveler could stay a little longer and break the silence caused by reluctance.
This poem has no special background, but simply expresses the feelings of saying goodbye to friends, which is suitable for most farewell occasions.