Su Dongpo set out from Kuizhou by boat and took a boat to Zhongxia in the evening. Su Dongpo overslept as a result. When he woke up, he crossed the middle canyon and reached the lower canyon, but he didn't get the water from the middle canyon. Su Dongpo believes that "the Three Gorges are connected and the water is roughly the same. Why must it be in Zhonggu? " So he gave Xiaxia water to Wang Anshi.
After Wang Anshi boiled water to make tea, he asked, "Where did this water come from?" Dongpo said, "Martial arts." "It's Zhonggu." "Exactly." Wang Anshi said with a smile, "You bully me again! This is Xiaxia's water. How can you pretend to be in Xiaxia? This winding pond is full of water, and the upper gorge is too urgent and the lower gorge is too slow. Only the middle canyon is urgent. Gong Naiming, a doctor in Taiyuan Hospital, knew that the elderly suffered from thalassemia, so he used midsummer water to introduce meridians. This water cooks fairy tea, which is thick in the upper gorge, light in the lower gorge and between the shades in the middle gorge. It took a long time to see brown today, and I knew it was Xiaxia. " In this article, Wang Anshi is a well-read and knowledgeable prime minister, who is slightly better than Su Dongpo in all aspects. Su Dongpo, on the other hand, is a young man who keeps writing chrysanthemum poems, handles things and loves to be clever.
After reading this book "Life is like a reverse journey, I am lucky to have Su Shi", I found that this is not the case. The content in "Wang Anshi's Three Difficulties Su Shixue" is quite fictitious. Peng er, a native of Hunan, Peng Zhiguo. I graduated from the Chinese Department of Xiangtan University and wrote a collection of essays "I love you carefully, I have a bottle of wine to comfort the wind and dust: the poetic life of 36 ancient literati". The author shows Su Dongpo's poetic rhyme and ideological strength from eight aspects: hometown, affection, flower appreciation, friendship, talking about food, family style, tea tasting and life and death. This book can be read as well as listened to. Zhu Weidong, winner of the "Golden Microphone Award" sponsored by China Radio 20 13, read the book aloud, and at the same time he could feel the beauty of the sound.
The well-known Dongpo meat, "300 lychees a day, being a Lingnan person", is what Su Dongpo did when he was demoted. Su Dongpo took the dilemma and the reverse journey as the starting point. After years of baptism and precipitation, he finally turned himself into a light and rare wine.
Su Dongpo in real life, like all of us, is also faced with housing problems, career development problems and family love problems.
Su Dongpo was demoted three times, to Huangzhou, Huizhou and Danzhou respectively. The distance of being demoted three times is farther than the first time. From then on, he stayed away from the political center and became a marginal figure who let himself go and self-defeating. However, he always keeps a pure heart and does practical things for the people. When he was in Danzhou, he took the lead in persuading students, persuading farmers, digging wells, setting up schools and spreading the culture of the Central Plains. Wherever Su Dongpo went, practical and targeted measures were formulated according to the local actual situation, which brought benefits to the local area. In adversity, instead of indulging in negativity, we are active, which makes a child's heart more experienced.
Su Dongpo had to worry about daily necessities when he was in Huangzhou. He reclaimed wasteland, planted rice, wheat, fish and vegetables, and didn't have a fixed residence until three years in Huangzhou. Su Dongpo lived in a temple in Huizhou, but his old illness recurred almost without medicine. When I was in Danzhou, "I had no meat to eat, no medicine to eat when I was sick, no room to live in, no friends to go out, no charcoal in winter, no cold spring in summer, no bath, no books, no pens and no ink." Faced with these difficulties in life, Su Dongpo reduced his desire and worked with his own hands in exchange for food and clothing that he could only eat. While reducing material desires, his spiritual life is extremely rich. He wrote Dongpo's inscription, nine volumes of Yi Zhuan and five volumes of The Analects of Confucius. I'm still fascinated by mountains and rivers. Even though the conditions are difficult, I don't forget to find and make delicious food.
In Su Dongpo's life, not all emotions are rebellious. He has a brother's son. In Su Dongpo's poems, "the reason of the son" is the word with the highest frequency. Whether happy or depressed, demoted or transferred, Su Dongpo knows his brother's mood best. Su Dongpo also had a civilian friend named Chao Gu, who came to see him from his hometown Meishan when he was demoted to Huangzhou. When Su Dongpo was exiled to Huizhou and Danzhou, Chao Gu was seventy-three. He wanted to visit Su Dongpo in Danzhou on foot, but he died on the road. These are the precious family ties and friendships that Su Dongpo has always had.
"Nine times out of ten, life is not satisfactory." In terms of friendship, many friends turned against each other because of different political views and even framed him behind his back. In terms of affection, Su Dongpo's wife Wang Fu died at the age of 30, only 27 years old. Another year passed, and Su Dongpo's father, Su Xun, died. When he was banished to Huizhou, Wang Chaoyun, who had been with him for more than 20 years, died of lack of medical care and medicine. Facing life and death, Su Dongpo can do nothing, he can't keep it, and he can only keep his feelings in his heart. Inadvertently, his thoughts came to mind. He wrote a poem for his dead wife, "Ten years of life and death are boundless, without thinking, never forgetting."
Throughout Su Dongpo's life, his career, life and feelings were mostly in adversity and less in prosperity. But Su Dongpo didn't indulge in negativity. He was active in his career. In order to supplement the cultivation of his family, he took the nickname "Dongpo" in his life. He kept his feelings in mind and inadvertently came to mind.
Su Dongpo is an old friend around us. He can understand our feelings bit by bit. We can share it with him when we are happy, and he will respond with poetry; When we are sad, he will inspire us with his own experience and become a friend in need. Just like the title of the book, "Life is like a journey, but fortunately there is Su Shi".