Li Xian did not fear the enemy with his fierce tiger, and the martyr was right. Fear the enemy and humiliate his class, and make empty promises and pay him back. The minions bully the white blade, and they are bold and fearless. You should know the song of Yi Shui, and you will regret it until you die.
Qi and Ji are in harmony with each other. A fierce tiger grinds its teeth and claws, and a fox is not wise, but a rabbit is not cunning. If you drink to devour your intestines, you will not be afraid of the sun and the moon, and the emperor will be ugly. Qiancun heard the roar in the middle of the night, and anyone pressed the sword and the lamp shone.
Li He's white tiger is on fire, and it's dark in the dark, and the Emperor of Qin is watching the crowd. Burning books to destroy the country has no time, and casting swords is only a general. The jade altar is filled with thoughts, and I and II will last for ten thousand years. Burn Dan before you get the elixir, and go to the sea to find the immortal. Whales are boiling, and plowmen are half-human ghosts. The heroic spirit is as fierce as the flame smoke, and no one will decide the sky and the river. Whoever is the most bitter is the most bitter. Gradually away from building JingQing songs, JingQing wine yan dan language. Sword is like frost, bravery is like iron, and I look forward to Qin Yue when I leave Yancheng. Heaven has granted Qin the seal, and Zhou Long has put on Jing Qing's blood. Zhu Qizhuo's white tiger died, and the Han emperor knew it was the true son of heaven.
Zhang Ji sang a song: The tiger roars in the south mountain and the trees in the north mountain are invisible, and the tiger roars around the forest in the daytime. In the evening, the elk in the mountains are silent. Every year, the adopted son is in the deep valley, and the male and female do not chase each other up the mountain. There is a mountain village near the cave in the valley, and Chang takes yellow calves from the village family. Wuling was too young to shoot, so he came to the forest to see the tracks.
if Wang Jian shoots a tiger, he will get it back, but an official shoots a tiger late. Walking alone with death as a tiger's life, the two are uncertain because of doubt. Go back empty-handed at dawn and dusk, and the green seedlings at the foot of the mountain become a path. Yuanli dare not defile the arrowhead, and will share the tiger meat when he hears of death. Cherish leaving tigers in the mountains, and fear shooting them for life.
Zhang Ji's fierce tiger roars the trees in the south mountain and the north mountain, and the tiger roars around the forest in the daytime. In the evening, the elk in the mountains are silent. Every year, the adopted son is in the empty valley, and the male and female do not go up the mountain. There is a mountain village near the cave in the valley, and Chang takes yellow calves from the village family. Wuling was too young to shoot, so he came to the forest to see the tracks.
Li He's fierce tiger walk (four words) has a long head and a long crossbow. Breast-fed grandchildren feed their children, and they teach them hideously. Raise your head for the city and drop your tail for the smooth. Huang Gong in the East China Sea, worried about seeing the night trip. When the road is in trouble, the cow is sad. Why use a ruler and knife? Thunder thunders on the wall. Under Mount Tai, women cry. The official has a routine, and the officials dare not listen.
Li He's words of greeting and singing: A fierce tiger can walk long, but a strong crossbow cannot be cooked. Breast-fed grandchildren feed their children, and they teach them hideously. Raise your head for the city and drop your tail for the smooth. Huang Gong in the East China Sea, worried about seeing the night trip. When the road is in trouble, the cow is sad. Why use a ruler and knife? Thunder thunders on the wall. Under Mount Tai, women cry. The official has a routine, and the officials dare not listen.
Chu Guangxi's ode to harmony: A fierce tiger walks in the cold without worrying about snow, and hunger does not eat people. Human blood is not sweet, and evil hurts God. My family is my home, and Mengmen is my neighbor. All the animals feed me and the five dragons are my guests. No matter how powerful Mongolia is, floating on the river is also benevolent. Colorful Zhang Yao Asahi, tooth claw male warrior. High clouds float by air, and the ground vibrates with sound. You can be brave and have a long blind date.
Chu Guangxi's tiger ci is neither worried about snow nor hungry. Human flesh is not sweet, and evil hurts God. My family is my home, and Mengmen is my neighbor. All the animals feed me and the five dragons are my guests. He Wei, Meng Ma, Fu Jiang, Yi Ren. Colorful Zhang Yao Asahi, a pawn male warrior. High clouds float by air, and the ground vibrates with sound. You can be brave and have a long blind date.
Du Fu's tiger teeth walk (the tiger teeth are in the north of Jingmen, and the river is steep). The autumn wind blows the south China, and the world is miserable and colorless. Dongting Yangbo Jianghan Hui, tiger tooth copper columns are tilted. Wuxia is cloudy and desert, and the peaks and valleys are black. Rhododendron doesn't come to the ape to chill, but Shan Gui is worried about snow and frost. Chu Lao Chang remembers inflammation, and bows with three feet and two arms. The stone city stood on the wall, and the golden fault was full of clouds. Yuyang suddenly rides and hunts green hills, and the dog is locked in armor and hears the extreme. Eight famine and ten years to prevent thieves, levy defense and beg my wife to cry, tears in the distant guests.
Liu Changqing Tihuqiu Temple, Qinglin Huqiu Temple, is located on Cuiwei Road in the forest. I looked up and saw the monk coming from the mountain, far away from the birds. This peak is a treasure jade, and it is a tomb of only hills for thousands of years. The man who buried the sword spread in the air, and the chiseled mountain dragon had gone. The flowers are covered with flowers, and the road turns to the sunset. The tiger roars on the cliff, the valley is cold, and the ape sings fir and pine at dusk. Pei went back to the north building, and Jiang Hai was poor. The sun reflects a thousand miles of sails, and the crow returns to thousands of trees. For the time being, if you are comfortable, you will lose your external worries. The courtyard is dark with idle clouds, and the eaves are fragrant with dew. For a long time, I have been fascinated by emptiness, mostly because of prosperity. If you want to die forever, you can't make mistakes in the rest of your life.