There are still people looking for it, and the master and servant borrow the power of the tiger. Four or five can be called nine, and poetry is wide and nine. This is a poem. What poem is it? Meaning?

call out

That doesn't belong to me.

Will never belong to me

Although every time the moon rises.

The blood keeps flowing.

Although there are birds standing in the tall trees.

Say: You are human.

There are many things that can knock a person down.

A French stamp and a bill.

Smile and wake up in the morning.

Wearing a fishy straw hat.

In the rain, pretend

Gentle and happy swallow

Man is the target and has failed countless times.

Sharp blade, fog without memory

Plastic, mud, picked up countless times.

Put it down again and laugh wildly at the feather duster.

Full-time, half-time, with bottles

Half a husband walked into the technical college.