What does a cat think of its owner?

Some cats get along with their owners for a long time and treat them as the same kind. When kittens grow up under the care of their owners, they will treat their owners as their mothers, trust and cling to them, and never give up. Even some cats regard their owners as their servants and ignore them if they are unhappy. What does the cat think of its owner? Cats get along with their owners for a long time, and may regard their owners as the same kind. And in the cat's eye, this? Same kind? I will also feed myself, play with myself, and eat and live in every possible way.

If the owner starts feeding the cat when it is very young, the cat is likely to regard the owner as his mother. Will unconditionally trust the owner, stick to the owner, and even where the owner goes, the cat will follow the owner and never give up.

Because the owner takes care of the cat every day and takes care of its emotions, some cats regard the owner as their servant. When a cat is unhappy, it will ignore its owner. It must be comforted by the owner before it takes a reason.