Wang Chong of the Eastern Han Dynasty once said: "Where there is sincerity, gold and stone will be opened."
Li Bai, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty, had a poem that said, "The mountains and seas can be tilted, but the word of mouth will never waver." . In modern times, Mr. Lu Xun said: "Integrity is the foundation of human beings."
Master Hong Yi said: "Don't deceive yourself internally, and don't deceive others externally."
Confucius said: "People without faith do not know what is possible."
Mencius said: "Sincerity is based on the theory of the unity of nature and man and the goodness of nature. There is no way. It’s sincerity.”
Westerners say: Honesty is the best means of competition.
The Chinese say: There is no foundation without faith.
But seeing the sincerity of the pill as red as blood, who would have thought that falsehoods are as clever as words. ——Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty
The melon field does not accept the shoes, and the plum blossoms do not hold the crown. ——"Collection of Yuefu Poems"
Three cups of vomiting promise, the five mountains are lighter. "Xia Ke Xing"
Hai Yue can still be admired, but his words will never waver.-----Li Bai
Everyone values ??uprightness in writing, and music in writing. ——Ming Dynasty·Yuan Mei
A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain has long relationships.
——"The Analects of Confucius"