Someone joked to Wang Jiulong, a disciple of Deyun Society, that Xi 'an had no peers. In fact, Xi 'an has no peers. This sentence comes from Wang Jiulong and others. Some people think that Wang Jiulong's statement is really boastful and crazy. Are they able to say this sentence because they are competent enough or are they really crazy?
Actually, I think people should keep a low profile. Some people keep a low profile even if they are good. However, some people just tinkle with half a pot of water, but praise their great skills.
I still appreciate those low-key ones here. No matter how capable Wang Jiulong is, I think it is disrespectful to people in other industries to say such things. Because the cross talk industry is a leader, but there are still many outstanding people in this industry.
In fact, it is very good to be Degang Guo's disciples, and they are the best among Degang's disciples, so their future should be bright.
Since the future is bright, we should keep a low profile before this, and even if we succeed in the future, we should keep a low profile. I think they should learn from their masters. Like Degang Guo, he is very low-key. Although he is humorous, he is smooth and low-key.