In ancient times, the word "Wang" was synonymous with the word "jade", so the word next to the word "Wang" was often used to refer to beautiful jade, and because the ancients often compared jade to a gentleman, the word next to the word "Wang" was very suitable for boys' names. Choosing a name is very important. Everyone has his own name, and the influence of a name on our existence will last for a lifetime. For us, a name is also a family member's good wish for their children, hoping for a good development, which is also very important to us.
Naming skills
There are many kinds of ancient Chinese poems, among which there are many poems with the word "Wang", such as "Waterbirds depend on each other in the cold and the sun, and hundreds of plays are in groups". Drawing on these stories, giving a boy an auspicious name next to the word "Wang" can add poetry to the name and make people feel elegant in literature and art.
The Chinese characters next to the word "Wang" are usually used to refer to beautiful jade, which is a metaphor for a gentleman and has auspicious meaning in itself. Then, choosing Chinese characters that jointly define Geely as the boy's name can give the boy a double blessing, show his family's love for the boy, and also wish the boy a generation of gentlemen.