"Water Margin" describes that when Hui Zong was not in office, the emperor was fatuous, the traitor was in power, the government was corrupt, corrupt officials framed Zhongliang, and the people were miserable. Many honest and kind people were forced to become traitors. One hundred and eight heroes gathered in Liangshan Park under the banner of "doing justice for heaven", instead of harming businesses and disturbing the people at will, they only dealt with bureaucrats and local tyrants who were corrupt and perverted the law.
There are one hundred and eight Liangshan heroes, belonging to thirty-six people of the highest day star and seventy-two people of the highest day star. There are grandchildren of Di Zi ministers, rich generals and collectors, hunters and fishermen, hired small officials, and even fugitives, liars, robbers and thieves.
However, some of them were forced by the government to take refuge in the mountains for fear of sin, and came for justice, or surrendered without fighting, aiming to lure them into the mountains. ?
One hundred and eight people, both good at writing and martial arts, can immediately make arrows, dive and walk, jump freely, walk in clouds and fog, travel 800 miles a day, and so on.
But Song Jiang's loyalty, Wu Yong's cleverness, Lin Chong's artistic skills, and Li Kui jy's recklessness and impatience dare to go to Liangshan on a snowy night.
There are also "Lu" who made a scene in Taohua Village and "Song Wu" who killed tigers in Jingyanggang, both of which are popular folk stories in the Water Margin. It makes people look impressive and comfortable.