2. "Confucius said: There is no dispute between gentlemen. Will shoot! Let it go up, you can drink it, and it is also a gentleman. " -"The Analects of Confucius" Confucius said: "A gentleman does not dispute. If there is any dispute, it must be an archery competition! The two sides bowed to each other, humbly, and then appeared; After shooting the arrow, he came down to drink water. This dispute is a dispute between gentlemen. "
3. "Heaven is healthy, and gentlemen are constantly striving for self-improvement. -"The Book of Changes Dried Melon Fragrance" Tian's movement is vigorous and powerful, and a gentleman should be like a field, constantly striving for self-improvement, fortitude and perseverance, and never stop.
4. the terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with morality. -"Yijing Kungua Xiang" The earth is thick and slippery, and a gentleman is virtuous and tolerant of everything. Heaven is vigorous, and a gentleman should consciously forge ahead and never relax.
5. "No husband is no gentleman"-an old saying. It means that people who are narrow-minded and lack measurement are not worthy of being husbands and gentlemen.