Carp leaping over the dragon gate is not easy, success or failure depends on trying. Trapped in a corner, frightened and frightened, I have no courage to venture into the world. What is it

There is a Chinese proverb called "The carp leaps over the dragon's gate", which is a metaphor for a person who succeeds in an exam or becomes a successful person, which greatly improves his identity and status.

There has always been a legend among Chinese folk about the carp leaping over the dragon gate.

It is said that carps are the most outstanding species of fish. Not only are they cute in appearance, they can also transform into dragons and fly freely across the rivers and lakes. The fish leaps over the dragon gate, an ancient Chinese myth and legend, also known as "the carp leaps over the dragon gate". It means that if a carp jumps over the dragon gate in the Yellow River (located at the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang City, Henan Province today), it will transform into a dragon. It is a metaphor for career success or rising status.