The best is like water. Original text, full text
The best is like water. Water is good for all things without fighting. This is the virtue of humility. Therefore, the river and the sea can be the king of a hundred valleys. If they are good at water, then He can be the king of hundreds of grains. There is no one in the world who is soft and weak compared to water, and no one who attacks the strong can win. This is the virtue of softness; therefore, the soft overcomes the hard, and the weak overcomes the strong. Because it is non-existent, it can enter into the void. From this we can see the benefits of teaching without saying anything and doing nothing.
The most good person is like water. Notes on the original translation:
The most kind person is like water. Water is good at nourishing all things without competing with all things. It stays in places that no one likes, so it is closest to "Tao". The kindest person is the best at choosing a place to live, his mind is good at keeping calm and unfathomable, he is good at being sincere, friendly and selfless in dealing with others, he is good at keeping his word when speaking, he is good at streamlining the affairs of government, he is able to govern the country well, and he is good at giving full play to his abilities in dealing with things. Long-term, good at seizing the opportunity when taking action. What the most kind people do is precisely because of their indisputable virtue, so there is no fault and no blame. For reference.