Lingwu sent to Lu Pan Shangshu The orchard at the foot of Helan Mountain was famous in the north of the country and south of the Yangtze River. Thousands of houses of water and wood are hidden, and thousands of troops of bows and swords are ringing in iron robes. Xinyuan Luoluo is worthy of being a general, and he is brave enough to use troops together. But the disciples of Liuban did not believe that they were scholars.
Sent to Zou Mingfu to visit Lingwu. He once slaughtered Xiji County and his horses were not fat for three years. The debts are many and the sword is equal, and the official returns with a full load of books.
Hiding his actions in the snow, the wind in the forest penetrates his bedclothes. Listening to Xiaojiao in Lingzhou, the guest house is not open yet.
I can't forget your lush cheeks
I can't forget your proud figure in the cold
You Use your withered breasts
Nurturing the entire Lingwu
There are high-rise buildings everywhere
You can see rows of cars everywhere
Asphalt The road can no longer hold it back
The smile of admiration
Forging ahead
Your years
are brilliant
You are young
You are bathed in sunshine
You have undying passion and pioneering bravery
Continuous inspiration and bold confidence
p>This is your soul
When the footsteps of history are cleared
The memory of 2200 years
Your pursuit of dreams does not end
But a new student
Come on! Friends
The enterprising Lingwu invites you to write a glorious
prosperous chapter
Come on! Friends
Give us enough reasons to believe in our land
Proud Lingwu people will gather here
They will plan their development here
When the moment of prosperity comes, we must use the loudest trumpet
Blow the 230,000 Hui Han people’s hymn
At this time, Lingwu is no longer the Lingwu of the past
For that banner of prosperity that we can look up to
Let us open our arms
Firmly open to development mentality
We will use our hands
Hand-draw the future that Lingwu longs for most
Let’s take off Lingwu