1, the diseased bone is scattered and the gauze cap is wide, and the solitary minister Wan Li is a guest in Jianggan. Although the status is low, I never forget to worry about national affairs, but if I want to realize the ideal of reunification, I can only make a final conclusion after death. I hope the gods of heaven and earth will bless the country, and the people in the north will wait day and night for the emperor to recover lost territory. The loyalty spirit of Wang Zhu Ge Kongming's famous book "The Songs of Chu Shi Biao" will remain immortal, so we should read it carefully in the middle of the night. Lu You's Disease Book
2, once you encounter hardship, the stars are scattered around. The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind is floating, and life experiences are ups and downs. The beach of fear says fear, and there is a sigh in the ocean. Who hasn't died since ancient times? Take the heart of Dan and follow history. Crossing the Zero Ocean, Wen Tianxiang
Frost's moustache embraced the poor autumn and went upstairs alone with white mink and fur. Looking up at the starry sky and raising a sword in the north will grow into a national disaster. General Zhang Wei of Yu Yang