Gong Huan asked: "What should be done to delineate people's residences and arrange people's occupations?" Guanzi replied: "Scholars, farmers, industry and merchants are the pillars of the country. They cannot be allowed to live together. If they live together, they will be harmed." What they say and do are different. Therefore, the Holy King always arranges for scholars to live in quiet places, arranges for farmers to live near the fields, places craftsmen to live close to the government, and places merchants to live close to the market, so that they can gather together and have leisure. At that time, fathers talked about righteousness to their fathers, sons talked about filial piety to their sons, those who served the king talked about respect, the elders talked about love, and the young talked about affection. Therefore, the teachings of their fathers and brothers can be taught well without hard work; therefore, the children of scholars often gather together in farmhouses and arrange their utensils according to the seasons. , prepare the equipment, prepare the grass, sickle, etc. When the weather is still cold, plow the land deeply and evenly, and remove the weeds and pine before the rain. When the rain comes, they bring various farm tools and work in the fields in the morning and evening. They take off their regular clothes to do their work, distinguish the quality of the seedlings, and arrange the density of the seedlings. Wearing straw hats on their heads, wearing raincoats, and being covered in mud and water, with their hair and skin exposed, they use all their limbs to work actively in the fields. They have been accustomed to it since they were young, and their minds are stable and they will not change when they see something new.