『 り、プレゼントの行わせてcrestきます」 p>
みなさまよりすぴーちをちょうだいいたしして、まことにありがとうございました. つづきましては、ちゅうにち そうほう の だいひの かた より、ぷれぜんと の こうかん を おこなわせて いただきます.
Generally, Japanese emcees will not say "Thank you for your speech". After the last guest has finished his speech, he will go to the podium and directly say "Thank you very much." under. . . ] That's it. Moreover, if representatives from both parties are invited to exchange gifts, the location of the exchange of gifts will be clearly indicated, that is, the two parties will be asked to come forward or step onto the stage. It is:
「ありがとうございました. (Pause for 1 beat) 続きましては, の方よりプよりプレゼントのExchange を行わせてTOPきます. (pause for 1 beat) それでは, representative. の方、どうぞ、前(ステージ)にお日し下さい」
ありがとうございます. nounおこなわせて いただきます. それでは、だいじょうのかた、どうぞ、まえ(すてーじ)におこしください
(a-ri-ga-tou go-za-i-ma-shi-ta.tu-zu - ki-ma-shi-te-wa,ni-chou sou-ho no dai-hiyo yo-ri pu-re-zen-to no ko-kang o o-ko-na-wa-se-te yi-ta- da-ki-ma-su. so-re-de-wa, dai-hiyo no ka-ta,do-zo,mai(su-te-ji)ni o-ko-shi ku-da-sa-yi )
(Thank you very much. Next, representatives from China and Japan will exchange gifts. Please come forward.)
※Japanese people are used to saying [日本中], not [中文] day]. The translation can be adjusted according to the situation.